Chapter 19

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I'll admit, my feet hurt like hell. But I would push through the pain to be able to find my son again. I needed to find out why he was taken from me. I was spacing out as we walked, occasionally checking my Pip-Boy to make sure we were heading in the right direction. I was shaken from my thoughts by the ground shaking. This was different than the mole rats. This was bigger. But I felt this same tremor once before, in Concord. I reacted quickly, taking my gun out and searching the area. In the distance, where we were headed, was the blurry outline of a deathclaw prowling a plateau. I looked through my scope to see if I had a good chance of hitting it, and noticed right behind it was the opening to a cave.

"There's a deathclaw right in front of the entrance. We'll have to kill it."

Deacon nodded and took out his gun.

"Let's do this."

I looked through the scope and took a deep breath. I aimed for its legs, hoping to injure it enough that it couldn't chase after us. I shot several rounds into it, then used V.A.T.S. to keep aiming for the legs.

It wasn't enough, and it started running towards us. I tried to stay calm and aim carefully as it got closer. When it got too close, I started running backwards while rapid-fire shooting. It cornered me against a wall of boulders and swiped at me with its long claws. Pain seared through my chest where I got deep scratches, tearing through cloth and skin. I felt the radiation seep in through the gashes in the suit.

I kept shooting, finding it harder and harder to hit my mark. I saw Deacon run up behind it and swing his gun at the deathclaw's back. It turned quickly and roared at Deacon, chasing after him as he ran. Deacon kept hitting the deathclaw in the face with his gun and dodging the swings. I lifted my gun and aimed for the deathclaw's eye. I squeezed the trigger, and hit my mark. The deathclaw collapsed, and I started to black out. The last thing I saw was Deacon leaning over me to pick me up.


I woke up with my chest burning in pain. I sat up, groaning. I looked around, finding myself in an unfamiliar room, and Deacon sitting nearby.

"Whoa there, boss. Not so fast. You'll hurt yourself worse."

I looked down at my chest, which was bound in gauze with blood seeping through. The pain was unbearable. I looked up at Deacon, remembering what happened. I frowned at him, and started scolding him.

"You idiot! You attacked a deathclaw by smacking it with your gun. You could have died!"

He moved to sit on the bed.

"It would have killed you if I didn't."

I examined him, seeing if he was injured in any way. I saw a scratch on his cheek, and his left forearm was bandaged. I ran my finger along the scratch on his face, still upset with him.

"It got your face. That was a stupid idea. I don't know what I would do if you died."

I pulled my hand away and pushed myself to sit up more.

"Then it's lucky for me that you're a good shot."

I pushed the bad thoughts our of my mind, and hid my concern for him. My attachment to him would get me killed, but better than him getting killed.

"Did you, uh, stitch me up? On my chest?"

He nodded.

"I had to. Virgil couldn't do it."

I looked more hopeful in hearing we found Virgil, but confused as to why he couldn't stitch me up.

"Why not?"

Before Deacon could answer, there were heavy footsteps, and a super mutant walked in.

"My hands are no longer able to handle delicate work."

I blinked and nodded.

"I see. So you're Virgil."

The super mutant nodded and stood in the room.

Deacon got off the bed and looked at us.

"I'll let her explain everything, I'll be outside if you need me."

He walked out.

"When he walked in with you in his arms, he was terrified. Your partner was adamant on making sure you were taken care of. I gave him the things he needed to help you. Now, you came looking for me. What do you need?"

I was surprised by his description of what happened while I was unconscious. I felt the need to correct him on the fact that Deacon is only my business partner.

"Yes, well, I am very lucky to be working with him. Anyway, I'm here because I heard you used to work for the Institute. I need a way in. They took my baby from me."

He nodded in understanding.

"I can help you."

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