Chapter 7

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I leaned against the wall, bored and wondering what took him so long. I sighed and started to tap my foot.

The door opened, and Deacon walked out wearing a large hat, sunglasses, and a greenish outfit.

I lifted my eyebrow.

"I call this wastelander camo. What do you think?"

I shrugged.

"I don't really care. Are you ready?"

He pouted and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm ready. This way."

He walked towards an overpass that was accessible by a large pile of debris. He started to climb up, and I followed him, reaching my arms and legs up for the next hold.

He got to the top, and offered an arm to help me the last few feet. I stared at him defiantly as I climbed up on my own.

"You see those markings? That means we're close. When you walk up to the tourist, he'll say something. You respond with, 'Mine is in the shop.' Got it?"

I nodded, and followed the marks to where a man stood. Deacon hung back a bit, and watched as I approached the man. He looked worried, and observed me and Deacon.

"Do you have a geiger counter? Do you? I need one."

I shook my head, and responded with the calling card.

"Mine is in the shop."

The man relaxed a bit, and looked back and forth between me and Deacon.

"She said there'd be one of you. Who are you?"

Deacon waved and responded.

"I'm new. My partner is showing me the ropes."

I blinked, confused by his blatant lie, but hid my confusion as the guy looked back to me.

"So, I hear you have information for us?"

He nodded, and began to speak in a shakier voice. The tourist told his story, and after he finished talking, Deacon waved for me to talk to him.

I walked over, Deacon asked me if I thought the man was telling the truth. I nodded, the guy seemed genuine. Deacon agreed, and he adjusted his hat.

I nodded to the tourist, who ran away.

"So what did he tell you?"

I tugged at the strap on my pack before answering.

"One of your safe houses has been taken over by synths. The one under Joe's. He suggested to go through the back, but there'll still be mines and security."

Deacon nodded.

"So we take the place back. Any specific tasks?"

"Clear out the synths, and pick up a device. He said we'll know it when we see it."

"Sounds tough. You ready to head over there now?"

I thought for a second.

"We could use another person on our side for this. Come with me to Sanctuary Hills, and I'll get Piper to come with us."

Deacon shrugged.

"I bet we could do fine, but if you insist."

I nodded.

"Yes, I insist. Better safe than sorry."

I held up the Pip-Boy on my arm and flipped a dial. Deacon and I fast travelled to Sanctuary Hills to take Piper along.

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