Chapter 22

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I blinked at him, wondering what I had gotten myself into. Then I decided to try and cover up for what I said.

"I was lying, I just wanted to hear whether you actually are a synth or not."

He chuckled.

"It's a good thing your life doesn't depend on your lying skills."

I chewed on my lip, awkwardly avoiding looking at him.

"Let's forget I said that. Especially since I don't have the choice to go hide somewhere right now."

"You know, I'm not used to having a partner. Sometimes I want to pop a stealth boy and skedaddle, but something always keeps me here. With you."

Things were getting way too emotional for my liking. As much as I like Deacon, it would be dangerous to get distracted by him. And, yes, he was very distracting.

"I think I need to get more sleep."

I was using any excuse I could to get him to leave. He didn't look entirely convinced, so I got up and  held on to the wall to help me get to the bed. I had only gone a few steps when I felt Deacon's arms gently lift me up and carry me to the bed. I was thankful for the help, but it wasn't helping the fact that I had fallen hard for him.

"Thanks. But I could have gotten there myself."

"I didn't want to spend an hour watching you crawl to the other end of the room."

He laid me down and smiled. He liked teasing me. But I always got him back for it.

"I'm going to get some rest."

"You sure you won't try to ditch me?"

"I won't."


"Yeah, I promise."

Satisfied with my answer, he left the room. I laid there, thinking about what to do. He already knew I had a thing for him, but how? And when did he find out? How can I keep things from getting too personal? I could just be really mean to him until he gives up. Or take someone else with me until things cool off.


After healing completely, I was eager to go out in the Commonwealth. I was bored half to death just laying in bed and having the settlers bring me the things I needed. I got up and ate a quick breakfast, and rushed through getting ready to go. In less than fifteen minutes I was ready to leave. I slung my bag over my shoulder and left the run-down house. Deacon jogged over to me.

"Ready to hit the road, boss?"

I walked over to Nick Valentine, with Deacon following after.

"Hey, Nick. Don't you have that case you want me to look into?"

Nick nodded, his yellow eyes bright.

"Yes, if you aren't too busy."

I grinned at him.

"Of course I'm not. I was bored out of my mind for the past few weeks."

He chuckled.

"Alright, then. Earl Sterling has gone missing. I was told he hasn't been home in a few days. Do you want want me to join you?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go, Valentine."

Deacon looked hurt, frowning.

"I thought we were partners."

I felt bad about it, but I needed to think straight for a bit.

"Relax, Deacon. I'll be back soon. Just stay here."

He sighed, and nodded to Nick.

"Fine. Keep her safe, Nick."

"Will do."

I gestured for the synth to follow me, and we went to Diamond City.

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