Chapter 21

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A few hours after hitting Deacon's chest, I began to feel bad about it. I should have realized sooner that something wasn't adding up. I suppose I was mostly angry about the fact that I thought he was opening up to me, only to have another layer to pick through.

I stuck another stimpak in my arm and got out of the bed. I put most of my weight on the wall as I walked to the balcony to sit down. I desperately needed a change of scenery after spending a week in bed.

I was soon joined by Piper. She pulled the other chair over and sat in it.

"I heard about what happened earlier. Is everything okay?"

I shrugged, giving a non-committal answer.

"I don't know what to think."

She nodded, looking down. She put her hand on my arm reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Blue. You'll figure things out. You always do."

"Maybe it's good to not trust him completely. It'll make it easier to keep things professional."

"He saved your life. That seems pretty trustworthy to me. And as far as professional, it's the end of the world. Falling for someone isn't the end of the world. Think about it."

I frowned a bit, looking out at the hills.

"Maybe. Speaking of which, you didn't tell him, right? About any of that?"

She looked at me with a confused and slightly offended expression.

"Of course not. That's between me and you."

I breathed in, nodding.

"Okay. Thanks."

She smiled at me, then stood up.

"I'll go get him. So you can work things out."

Piper walked down to the street, and I kept looking at the scenery. It was so different after the bombs fell. Everything is so dead looking, but so interesting. A few minutes later, I heard the familiar sound of Deacon's footsteps. They were distinctive, solid steps with a slightly louder left step. I looked over my shoulder and watched as he took Piper's seat.

"I'm sorry, about earlier. I just didn't know how to react."

To my surprise, he found it hilarious.

"I really had you going about me being a synth, huh? You'd be  surprised how many people fall for that one."


"I tell everyone that. I like seeing how long it takes people to figure it out. And it keeps them guessing."

"Okay... so are you a synth or not?"

I really had to know, I didn't like not knowing for sure.

He just smirked at me, which was slightly infuriating.

"That will remain a mystery."

I tried to think of a way to get him to tell me.

"Well, I guess I won't tell you my secret."

I lied, I didn't really have a secret to tell him.

He looked at me, intrigued.

"You have a secret? Hmmm. Maybe I'll tell you. But you'll have to tell me something I don't know already."

I thought through everything I could about my life.

"Okay, I have something. I was the only one to survive Vault 111, other than my son."

He chuckled.

"That one's obvious. Already knew that."

I frowned. I guess that was a bit obvious.

"Alright. Let's see. I killed the first person I met out here."

"It was a raider. In Concord. I know."

I stared at him.

"How the hell? How long have you been following me around?"

Deacon just grinned.

"Since you left the Vault. I was there."

I rubbed my face.

"Then the only things you don't know about me are what happened before the war. The problem is, I can barely remember anything from then."

He nodded.

"I guess being a human popsicle for two centuries has a bad affect on memory."

"Very funny. Alright, fine. I have one last thing."

I couldn't believe I had nothing else to tell him but this. It had better work.

"Go on, let's hear it."

"I may or may not have developed feelings for you."

He chuckled and leaned closer to my face, his smirk widening.

"Already knew that, boss."

(Okay, I'm sorry for it being so cheesy. I was listening to the song 'Accidentally in Love' on repeat while writing this chapter.)

Crawled Out Through The Falloutजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें