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"What the fuck....." Jimin stared at the lit computer screen with wide eyes, confused on why it suddenly came on while he was scrolling through the internet.

A man appeared on the screen as all the lights in the basement turned off. "I know you are confused. But, trust me boys, I will not harm you in any way. I know you have one of my people and I know the psycho boy killed him." The man on the computer continued to speak in a mischievous way with a smirk worn proudly on his face. "This act won't go unnoticed, but we shall not force anything upon you...yet. I want you to bring me one of your members on Thursday at 12:00 p.m, I wish to see your face here at my location. The member I would like to have... is the little hacker. Bring him to me and nothing will happen to any of you. So long."

The computer flashed back to the google page Jimin was previously on as all the lights flickered on. The sirens throughout the basement could be heard as the emergency lights flashed a blue color, signaling an emergency meeting was taking place.
"Okay, I understand you all are confused. So am I, but hopefully Suga knows what's happening." Namjoon turned to face the small white haired male, who was sat in a far corner huddled up. "Suga? Do you mind explaining?" He shook his head no and got up to walk over to the table where he oThEr 6 were seated.

"I-I don't know what's happening... all I remember was getting a warning on my computer then... this happened!" Suga started tearing up and grabbing at his hair, violently pulling it.

"Shhh, do you maybe know why they would want to take you?" Jin strokes Sugas back to calm him down, but Suga only got silent at the blondes question. "I-"

"Suga.... are you not telling us something..?" Hoseok spoke up. The white haired male gulped and shook his head no, lying straight to all of their faces. "I-I don't understand why hey want me. But we should start preparing for Thursday."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and stood up, allowing his chair to fall behind him. "Listen up bitches, nobody is touching Suga and nobody is touching us. If they lay a finger on any of you, they are dead. If they lay a finger on Kookie, they are getting a slow torturous death. So let's get ready and kick some ass!"

Jimin nodded his head to Taehyungs mini speech. "Psycho kids right, we can't just sit back and watch this. That's pathetic." Various 'Yeah!'s were heard around the room as everybody but Namjoon agreed.

"Alright, but we have to keep a closer eye. Suga, get a more advanced system of algorithms. Jungkook and Jimin, load up on weapons. Hoseok, we're testing out your new gases. And Taehyung, you know what to do." Everybody nodded as Namjoon dismisses them to go back to what they were doing.

Jungkook and Taehyung snuck off, probably to paint on Taehyungs walls. Suga dragged himself back to his room with tears in his eyes. Jimin and Hoseok walked off to Hoseoks lab.
"So... what do your gases do anyways?" The short brunette peeled around Hoseok to see what he was mixing together. "I don't know... I'm hoping they work though." Jimin nodded and sat down on their shared bed.

"I really hope everything goes smoothly. If not, who knows what could happen."
"So, watcha paintin' today, Taetae?"

"You. Naked. Now strip for me baby." Taehyung seductively winked as Jungkook fake gagged and shook his head no. "I'm kidding.... unless you want to get naked. But then I cant control myself."

"Shut up and paint something." Taehyung giggled and began to paint a bloody ocean.

About half way through the painting, Taehyung turned around to find a sleeping Jungkook who was sprawled out on Taehyungs couch. "So cute..." The gray haired boy reached forward and stroked his cheek, planting a small kiss to the others parted lips. "I wish you could see that I really love you, and I'm not just crazy." Taehyung continued to stroke the sleeping males cheeks and staring lovingly until he, himself fell asleep with the boy.
"Hmph... I'm changing this stupid thing from Arabic to Greek because apparently Arabic is more common then I thought." The little cotton ball poured as he grumbled about his codes failing. But, the big question that all seven members were thinking, lingered in Sugas mind as he did all this: What did these people want with Suga... and why did they need him by Thursday?

"Knock knock, nevermind, I'm coming in wether you like it or not." Jin walked in with a plate of food, setting it carefully down on the desk Suga was at. "You never eat, and I worry about your health. You stay locked up in the pitch black all day so you look like a ghost. Eat up." Suga Bowes and slowly picked at his food, attempting to actually have a real meal rather then packets of ramen he has stashed away.

"If these people are the guys who murdered Namjoon family then... no way. I know exactly why they want me... and it isn't good." Suga mumbles to himself with a mouthful of food as he scrolled through profiles of each member from the other group. His eyes widened when he saw the leader, he recognized him to say the least.

What could these people possibly need our baby Yoongi for? I wonder....

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