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"So, you wanna come to our party tonight? Every bodies gonna be there dude." The short male shook his head no, smiling brightly at the other one. "Sorry, but I have plans tonight!"

"Don't tell me you have plans with that mute idiot again..." The brunette male ignored him and walked off school campus, on his way to see his beloved boyfriend.
"HEY!! OPEN UP YOU HORSE, ITS YOURS TRULY!!" The male knocked repeatedly on the door, waiting for some sort of sign that his boyfriend was home. "Hello?" The door swung open to reveal a red headed male who wore sunglasses and a black suit, "may I help you?"

"Who the fuck are you and where is my boyfriend?" The short male scoffed and shoved past the red head all the way to his boyfriends bedroom. "Babe? Are y- OH MY GOD!"

On the floor, huddled up in a corner was the small and innocent boy. Tears streamed down his face as he covered his mouth to muffle the sobs coming out. "Chim.... help! I-I k-k-killed o-over 20 p-p-people!!" The sobbing boy pointed to the T.V where the Mrs was currently playing. The reporter stood in front of a high school, going on about a chemical bomb. A student stood next to the reporter, talking about the incident and who they thought it was.

"They k-know it's m-m-me..."

"IS THAT THE ASSHOLE THAT BEATS YOU UP EVERYDAY?" The sobbing male nodded at his angry boyfriend, tears only streaming more.

The short, enraged male grabbed a gun and headed out, ignoring his boyfriends pleads to not do what he was thinking. "WoH woah woah kid, what do you plan on doing?" The red head followed the other out of the small apartment, watching his every move.

The gun was loaded and the short male planted himself upon the buildings rooftop, aiming for the boy next to the reporter. The red head, who followed him, was hidden where nobody could se whom in order to see what the other is capable of.

"I can't believe I'm doing this... but for my sunshine, anything."

The last thing that could be heard to many people was the sound of a gun firing and there on the concrete outside the now blown up highschool, laid the body of a 17 year old boy. Blood leaked from his head as he lay unconscious, and possibly dead. Paramedics rushed to the scene while officers searched for the location of the sound. The small male who shot the gun ran for his life back to the apartment to grab his boyfriend and leave... forever.

"WOAH! HEY, KID! GRAB YOUR BOY TOY AND COME WITH ME!!" The small shocked male nodded and burst into the apartment to grab his boyfriend and follow the red head.

"It's gonna be okay. That guy is gone and you did the right thing by blowing up the school..."

"I don't think that's how it works..."

"It does now. Shut up and let's follow this wanna be little mermaid." Both males chuckled as they entered a flower shop. And headed to a closet near the back.
"We could really use you both. Me and my boyfriend Jin are looking for teammates. And you two fit just right..."

The two males who were cuddled up on a couch together, nodded slowly as the red head smirked evilly. "Great, so what's your name, I know Hoseok."

"I-I'm Park Jimin!" Jimin put up a peace sign and smiled brightly at his new leader.

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