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A/N heres their ages incase you were wondering. Also, yes, Yoongs is younger then Namjoon.

Jungkook- 21                      Suga-22

Jimin- 21                             Jin-27

Hoseok- 24                        Taehyung-23

Namjoon- 24

Jin- 27

Suga- 22

Silence. That's all that could be heard as the sun shone through the windows of the isolated flower shop. In the basement, various snores could be heard throughout the darkness of the bedrooms. All that ended when a loud thud and a scream filled in the silence.


"But... you taste so good! How could I?" Taehyung licked the black haired boys neck.

"Tae! You are dripping blood on me! This is my white shirt too!" Jungkook whined as he watched the blood from taehyungs  fresh cuts drip onto his white clothing.

The older laughed and licked up the blood, nibbling slightly as Jungkooks collar bone. "T-tae! I swear to god!" The brunette pushed the other off of him and stood up, dusting off his clothing. "Don't worry baby! Your mind says no but your pants say yessssss!" The gray haired male smirked and giggled to the other.

"Taehyung, Jungkook! I thought you two would be in here." Namjoon glared at Taehyung before clearing his throat and continuing. "We have a meeting this morning at breakfast. Be there in 5, no exceptions this time." The male walked out, leaving the other two alone. "After you, cupcake." Jungkook scoffed at Taehyungs comment and walked out.


"Boys! Goodmorning, thank you for actually coming on time, unlike last week." Jin smiled brightly as the two youngest walked in. Everybody took their seats at the table as Jin served food.

Jimin and Hoseok sat next to eachother, Taehyung and Jungkook sitting across. Namjoon and jin sat at the end, across from them was Suga. Nobody knows why Suga enjoys sitting alone, but, he enjoys it that way.

"Alright, so lets discuss business. I have to take care of something later while all of you continue getting ready for today. Babe, please take care of the shop today. Now, we have some new arrangments for our missions. Suga will take it from here."

The tired cotton ball looked up, nodding.

The thing about Suga is, he doesn't sleep. He always works and barely has time for anthing else. Yes, he has a personal life, but due to his job, he doesn't use it much. He has giant bags under his eyes and tends to slouch, but he's dedicated to hacking.

Suga cleared his throat, "The arrangments aren't to different. We added Hoseok hyung and Jimin in a group to follow Taehyung and Jungkook." Hoseok and Jimin high-fived. "Okay, that wraps up everything, I'll be heading off." The 7 boys cleaned up their messes and headed their separate ways.

Namjoon entered his bedroom, Jin following behind. "Babe... Are you sure you want to go alone? Bring Jimin or Jungkook. If you really need to, bring Taehyung! Plea-" The younger cut his boyfriend off with a swift peck on the lips. "I'll be fine, I promise." Namjoon slipped on his tie and headed out.

Not long, about 30 minutes later, he arrived in an alley behind a tall building. A man dressed in all black was leaning against the wall, a cigarrette hanging in between his lips. "Thought you wouldn't show up, RM."

Namjoon smirked and held out his hand. "Money first." The man laughed and stepped on the cigarrete, walking forward. "No can do. Hand over the pills." The man pulled out a gun, holding it to Namjoons head. "Sorry, not sorry." The red head whispered under his breath "What was that?"

A figure jumped out  and grabbing the man in a chokehold. The boy stabbed the man, hearing his choked sobs as his body fell to the ground. Namjoon put down the bottle of pills and forced some into the now dead man to look like a suicide, the knife in the guys hand.

"Nice work, Taehyung."

"As always, sir!"

Namjoon laughed to himself as they walked by the newly constructed high school. "That boy Hoseok."

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