My Family - (Anniversary Chapter)

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Hey guys and welcome! Enigma has reached its 1 year anniversary and I owe it all to you guys! Thank you so much for choosing to read about Enmira and Thorin. Here's a special chapter for you guys! Love you all <3

- 10 HumanYears Later - (20 Dwarven)
Enmira is 200
Thorin is 215
Alavar is 20 (10 in human years)

Delicate flakes of snow fall from the misty sky, as the days of winter start to rise. Everything beyond the warm caverns of Erebor will later grow cold, and for once I'm glad that there are massive furnaces here. Though, I really shouldn't be complaining about the upcoming season. For one, it snows here almost all the time. And two, being a Skin-Changer defiantly comes in handy.

Especially when a certain husband of yours refuses to wake at first light to do his usual duties. An important council meeting is supposed to start soon too and Thorin is still fast asleep. But I mustn't blame him for this behavior. Erebor has really come a long way over the years all thanks to him. Getting the kingdom back has been quite the adjustment for everyone and I really mean everyone.

Kili and Tauriel both went to go live in the Shire close to Bilbo a few days after the wedding. Although, Fili chose to stay to help those in Erebor, and goes to see them all once in awhile.

Bofur, Bombur and Bifur all went back to the Blue Mountains but visit some days. And that's when nearly half our food and ale is all over the dining hall. It's just Rivendell all over again.

Besides that, Dwalin now commands all the best warriors and trains them. Not too surprising considering the type of man he is. One that loves a good fight.

Balin does tend to stay away from all that action however, and acts more as our wiseman. Good thing too since his head is probably the one of the only ones that's leveled amongst the Dwarves.

As for the rest of the company, they all stayed to do what they love most. Which is mine for the riches far beneath Middle Earth.

Over the years, we were even able to rebuild most of Dale but couldn't do much about certain stains from the battles. Bard and his people have continued to live there, and the trading posts we've arranged have helped immensely.

And according to the letters from the raven, Legolas has been doing well. Still on the move and what not but he writes when he can. Apparently an old childhood friend of ours had decided to join him. Course I was curious but knowing my brother, he'll no doubt keep that information from me. Especially if that person is a woman.

I snigger at the thought while mindlessly playing with the ring on my finger. At least I know Legolas isn't alone now. I just hope he's not running into any trouble with Orcs. The last time I've seen one was during the battle with Azog, but they're defiantly out there still.

Perhaps Beorn has seen a few, but that man is in a world of his own. Much like Radagast, who took off to the forest to protect those creatures in need. Just like when Gandalf came to save me the very first time.

A small smile forms on my lips at the thought of the old wizard. Unfortunately, he too had to leave but I know he's keeping watch in his own way. A distant guardian is a better way to put it. Since he's almost always there when you need him.

An orange ray of light gently crosses over my eyes as the sun finally makes an appearance. The dark room begins to brighten gradually, and I doubt I'll ever get used to waking up with the love of my life right next to me. Well, in this case right across from me.

I've been up for awhile now, sitting in a large chair where Thorin's cloak is normally laid. It was another restless night for me but if it means Thorin gets his rest, then I'll gladly take over the nightly duties.

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