Ch.6 - Day One

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I hang my head low as we walk into town, feeling the glares and whispers start to erupt. Thorin and Dwalin remain calm despite all the attention we're receiving and chat quietly amongst themselves. I shut out the harsh words as best I can but my incredible hearing, makes it hard to do so. Dwalin gently tugs on the rope when I stop for a moment and gestures over to a large inn. More anxiety fuels at the pit of my stomach and I quickly join them when I notice a few men, take threatening steps forward. Without my hood on, I feel completely exposed and maybe that was their intention. I won't be able to hide under my cloak and would have to see every emotion on people's faces. The looks of anger, agony and fear are the main ones I see and my heart tightens at the sight. I'm innocent aren't I?

"Of course you are." A familiar voice cackles and she lowers herself down, to hover at my side. "At least, I'm the only one that thinks so."

I bite my tongue to keep myself from responding, nearly forgetting that I'm the only one that can see her. She smirks in amusement and follows as I wait for Dwalin to give me the ok. Said warrior turns sharply upon noticing my presence and unties the rope quickly. He then nods over to Thorin, who is leaning again the doorframe, a half smirk on his lips. I gulp and force my eyes to look somewhere else when I feel a strong pull for him. The desire to be close is great and I miss being able to express how I feel, in ways other than using words.

"Duck." Her suddenly voice snaps.

Without another thought, I do as she says and feel an object brush past my head. It lands right near Thorin and I hear it crack some of the wood. I hesitantly look up, surprised to see a small axe there and mentally thank the witch for saving me. Dwalin grabs my arm roughly and pulls me towards the inn before anymore damage can be done. Her chuckle is low and I don't dare acknowledge her presence, not wanting them to think I'm crazy. Being seen as a murderer is enough.

A man behind the desk greets Thorin kindly and he swiftly comes towards Dwalin, to greet him as well. I step to the side, coming out of my spot from behind the warrior and make eye contact with the man. His large smile instantly fades as soon as he sees me and Thorin swiftly grabs his forearm. A dangerous expression is placed on my mates features and he whispers something while nodding in my direction. The keepers fearful expression intensifies and he gives short but quick nods, now afraid of Thorin. My brow arches in curiosity, wondering what Thorin had said to make his attention focus elsewhere. They shuffle away towards the back and Dwalin crosses his arms, a sign to show that his guard is now completely up. I bite my lip nervously at the heavy atmosphere, glad that there's not really anyone here. I've been through this town once but was only able to last a day, due to the men here trying to harm me. News of my whereabouts spread quickly so I wasn't too surprised about their threats. I just never did plan on coming back.

"Is yer wrist ok?"

My head snaps up in shock and I stare at Dwalin as if he's grown two heads. Did he really just speak to me? Much less ask me if I was ok? He stares at me from over his shoulder with a slightly bored expression, awaiting for my response. I nod once I fully register his question and gaze down at my still bandaged hand. One of the perks of being mixed with two different races, is that I heal incredibly fast depending on the wound. The gashes have somewhat faded, so I no longer have to worry about the bleeding. Pain is no longer evident and the bruise is nearly gone. It's practically healed but I don't want to risk it. Even though I can't wait till I won't have to wear stupid bindings anymore. Although, I'm pretty sure Dwalin is only asking that, so he knows when he can tie both of my hands when we're traveling.

"Where did those scars on yer arms come from?" I meet his now serious gaze and see his eyes narrow slightly. "Seems as though they've been there for awhile."

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