Ch.12 - Back To You

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A/N: SOME PRETTY INTENSE INTERROGATION UP AHEAD!! Reason why it took me so long to make this chapter sorry!!


The wind sends my hair back, as Dwalin and I race through the darkening forest. My hands are clutching his armor tightly, as he struggles to spur the horse. It neighs loudly at the kicks to his stomach but increases speed, nearly sending us over. Being on top of a horse is way scarier than riding a pony. For one, the power in this horses legs is far more superior. The height difference is pretty nerve wrecking as well, since a fall would hurt more on here. We take a sharp turn, revealing a split in the path up ahead.

Dwalin glances over his shoulder, a hard expression on his features and he gives a firm nod. "Ye both get out of there alive.... and don't lose yeself again, Mira."

I tighten my jaw and give him a nod in return while releasing my grasp. "Take care of Alavar until we return." I say and throw myself off to the side, shielding my face from the ground.

Luckily, my body hits a pile of leaves so it cushions the impact and as soon as I'm on my stomach, I hoist myself up. Dwalin lets out a roar cry as he takes the path to the left, while I go towards the right. Leaves fall from my hair and clothes as I sprint through the maze of trees. I keep my breaths even but force my legs to go as fast as they can. The burn in my body appears within seconds of my travel and the adrenaline continues to increase.

It may have taken longer than I liked but at least that bastard finally gave up their hideouts location. I was surprised to hear that we were only about half an hour away. Somehow, it kinda makes sense. This forest is large and it's easy to stray from the path so no one would dare go looking. Shivers run down my spine upon regaining memories from Mirkwood but at least now, I'm not corrupted. At least, not by something else's doing.

I pull the dark hood over my features as the night turns cold but a warmth within me ignites. My feet break away from the road and I sprint deeper into the forest. A crow caws in the trees and the sensation in my body grows since Thorin is near. Little balls of fire in the distance catch my eye and I slow my pace while reaching down towards my dagger. I growl deeply as I stare at the large wooden gates and eye the place closely.

Torches surround the large wooden spikes that serve as a barrier between their world and ours. Upon first glance, it looks pretty much abandoned but it's as though they're expecting someone. I don't take them to be the type, that's careless enough to leave the flames that reveal the entrance. Not a single guard is posted either but I can faintly hear a thumping located underground. What's going on here?

A high pitched ringing forms in my ears, and I shut my eyes tightly while shaking my head a bit. My hands go up to cover them in attempts to muffle it out but it does nothing. Something stirs uncomfortably in the pit of my stomach and a thin coat of sweat starts to form. The animal desires have yet to fade and every so often, I'm close to losing control. Maybe interrogating that guy was a bad idea on my part. I should've just let Dwalin handle it but we were running out of time! Even if I lose myself, at least I know he and Alavar will be safe.

I grunt and lean against the tree at the sudden dizziness, my vision blurry. No matter what I can't let myself shift even if things do get crazy. There's no doubt, gonna be dozens of hunters in there, all equipped with weapons. And without Dwalin, I have to rely on my swordsman skills and those tricks Legolas used to teach me. I take a step forward, nearly falling over due to my body fighting against the two different versions of me. My fingers begins to tremble and for a second, my vision goes dark as if someone had covered my eyes with their hands. The sensation of something taking over sends my heart pounding and I swallow the imaginary saliva. I'm close to reaching my limit, I think to myself and quickly move along while I still have my sight. Slowly, my body starts to feel normal again and I breathe in deeply at the loss of weight on my shoulders. The beast within is nowhere to be found but I know that won't last forever.

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