Ch.8 - Under The Hood

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Heavy breaths escape my parted lips as I lay on the bank, completely soaked and freezing. The moonlight shines down on my shivering form and I glance at the cliff a great distance above me. Events from before flash in my mind and the worry from before has returned. Why did Dwalin choose to stay? It was his plan to jump but when I came up to the surface, he was nowhere to be seen. I had spent so long looking for him under the water, I'm pretty sure I practically discovered every inch of it.

Dwalin pushed me to make sure I didn't see him remain on the pony and if I did notice, I wouldn't have been able to stop him anyway. My fist tightens around the object he had managed to slip in my hand without my knowledge, and I jump up to sneeze. Soreness strikes throughout my entire being and I plop back down with a huff. Where exactly am I? Thorin said to keep heading forward but without Dwalin, I don't exactly know which way that is.

I bring up my freezing hand and dangle the object above my face, watching it swing from side to side. My eyes automatically follow its movements, lost in a small trance as I try to study what's attached. Moonlight finally appears from behind the dark clouds and it causes the item to shine slightly. I blink a few times to let my vision adjust and see a silver ring on the chain, similar to mine except for the red gem embedded in it. There are a few words engraved in Khuzdul and I can tell that the craftsmanship is very different compared to Thorin's. With his, each line and curve is neat and almost Elven looking, to show how careful and gentle he was. However, this one is clearly more rushed, since some of the words aren't carved in so smoothly. As though the creator got frustrated, either due to lack of time or patience.

None the less, this piece of work is still quite beautiful. I have to at least applaud Dwalin for creating such a small and delicate item. He's most likely not used to making things like jewelry, only swords and armor. But when has Dwalin ever wanted to make a ring for someone? I never picked him to be the type to actually fancy himself with women, since he prefers to be in some type of battle instead. I push down the thoughts before they have time to build even more and bury the necklace deep within my pocket.

Thorin is gonna kill me for sure. His warning echoes in my mind and I lightly punch the muddy ground in frustration. Dwalin may have saved me from the hunters but now I have to deal with Thorin's fury. And I highly doubt he'll even give me a chance to say something. But even so, I have to at least try to explain what had happened. Not only that, but Dwalin is currently alone and in danger. In fact, we all are. I stare at the sky for awhile longer, taking in every sound the forest makes. To the song of the crickets and the rustle of the leaves as the wind sneaks by. A desire in the pit of my stomach blooms, and I know it's the longing to shift into my wolf form again. The creature that causes me to feel so powerful and yet so gentle at the same time.

With a huff I force myself up and pull my dark locks into a tight braid. It falls to rest on my right shoulder and I place a spare cuff to hold my hair together. I grab hold of my drenched tunic and pull the fabric away from hugging my body. It no longer reveals my curves and my breasts help keep it from latching onto my stomach again. Good thing my attire always consists of dark clothes and long sleeves, or else I would look like some bar wench right now.

"You got that right." The witches face is suddenly in front of mine and I give her a blank stare, unfazed. "Wouldn't want anyone to-"

"What do you want?" I interrupt with so much venom in my tone and walk through her, towards the trees. "If you come and go whenever you want, then do me a favor and disappear already."

"You wound me, Mira." She fakes a sob and is at my side in an instant. "Where's all this rage coming from? Afraid that a certain mate of yours will never trust you again? Or maybe it's just because you've got cold feet." Her sour tone makes me grunt but I hold my tongue and try to focus on the forest around me. "You're always so moody when it comes to me, dearie. I saved your life not too long ago and now you're back to being," she pauses for a moment and finally says, "this."

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