Ch.14 - My Time

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A/N: I feel like I'm gonna be hated on for this chapter... Forgive me!!!


Blood trickles from my swollen lip as I take the relentless beatings given to me by that woman. My arms are shackled behind my back and they've set me to sit in front of a post, on my knees. I twist my aching wrists around to relieve some of the pain, feeling as if I were back in the Slasher Room. At least there's no whip involved this time... I've got enough scars from that item already.

The memory evaporates from my vision and my jaw clenches a bit. I stare up at the grinning woman with a blank expression, refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing my pain. It causes her anger to rise and I'm suddenly kneed in the gut, having no choice but to let a groan escape. Her fist then comes up below my jaw, and it sends me back into my previous position.

I breathe through my nose rapidly and hang my head low as I force down the desire to shift. It's been bubbling ever since I was put in this position and if Thorin weren't here, I would've let it take over a long time ago. The chains are easy to break if I fuse my two strengthens together but even something as simple as that, puts his life at risk. I cough weakly and spit out the blood in my mouth, disgusted.

Rough fingers grasp my chin and she moves my face to the side, only to deliver another punch. Her hideous cackle sends uncomfortable shock waves through my sensitive ears, and I'm surprised they haven't bled yet.

My head feels incredibly heavy, as I tilt it to the side to check on Thorin, who is still being held by two men. And if he's regained his memories, I wouldn't know since neither of us have been able to say a word. A weak smile ghosts over my lips when I catch sight of the sapphire ring, still placed on the chain around his neck.

The world spins for a few seconds but I'm able to catch sight of his softening expression. It, unfortunately, vanishes without a trace when his gaze shifts over to my attacker. He struggles against the guards when I'm hit in the stomach but I turn to give him a warning look. Guilt is evident in his eyes but he obeys my silent demand, his shoulders slumping. Before I'm able to reassure him that things will be alright, a kick to my cheek, forces me to look away.

"Eyes on me, monster!" She screams out angrily, her light brown hair standing all over the place. "I want to hear you beg for mercy before I kill you." A hard slap makes my face sting but I still refuse to open my mouth.

"Leave her alone!" Thorin shouts, not being able to stay quiet any longer.

My face is suddenly slammed to the ground by her foot, and I stare at him through clenched teeth. He growls and tries to break free but a low chuckle, halts his movements. Blood slowly drips from my forehead and she adds more pressure, after kicking me once more. 

"Why defend her? She's a murderer that needs to be taught a lesson!" She grips the my hair tightly and pulls me closer to her face. "She's lived too long for her own good." I glare at her with a hiss and she in response, backhands me.

Thorin growls angrily and I hear his foot stomp onto the concrete. "She did what she had to do, in order to save our child!" His voice grows the angrier he gets and I lazily glance his way, surprised at what I'm hearing. "Your people is what drove her to push it to such extremes!" The men holding him shift uncomfortably at how much power is behind his voice.

The woman shuffles away in frustration and stares my mate down. "But she failed to save that runt and instead she destroyed my homeland! Took away my family and left me with NOTHING!!" Her words echo all around and a heavy silence falls.

Our heavy breaths mix together and I swallow the lump in my throat. "You're r-right." I say dryly, earning everyone's attention. An intense burn in the back of my throat, causes my voice sound more strained. "I took," I suck in a breath, nearly going unconscious but somehow recover. "I took... everything f-from you that day."

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