Lucifer x Reader {Part 1}

Start from the beginning

After watching her fall back asleep, he watched her father get up and open a bottle of beer,heading to the table to clean his weapons. It was clear he was a hunter, y/n lived the hard life of a hunters child. Not once did y/n father put her in the now unused bed or cover her with a blanket. When he closed his eyes he was back in hell, the sound of screaming in his ears as his demons looked up at him for orders. He went back to his role as the leader of hell, still unsure what had happened how he'd seen and spoken to y/n. Maybe it had something to do with their shared grace or the connection/bond he felt when he touched her. The next time you'd seen Lucifer a week later, your father had been on a hunt. Lucifer was annoyed how your father would leave a child of 5 alone for the weekend.

He watched how you acted older than you were, making your own food, getting yourself ready for school or whatever other jobs your father had set out for you. Soon he started to keep you company when you were alone. Playing games and watching movies. Some nights he tell you stories when you went to bed, all about heaven before his fall, then about how his father cast him out to hell. Other stories about his fight with Michael and how he was now the true ruler of hell after making a deal with his father, how one day he would return to heaven. Lucifer found out he had some power here too, he could put any tv show you wanted on with a snap of his fingers, or cause a little mayhem like when a hotel maid shouted at you for leaving the tap on in the bathroom. When she went to clean it, Lucifer snapped his fingers bursting the pipe. All his tricks look like coincidence to everyone else but you know it was really him. He'd become your best friend. Your father didn't believe you, saying it was an imaginary friend you named after the devil. Lucifer's quote played in your head every time your father said he wasn't real 'the devils biggest trick is to convince you he didn't exist' but soon everyone started to tell you he wasn't really, the older you got the more people would call you crazy for talking to yourself, not being able to see Lucifer by your side.

Now aged 13,You had started a new school, the fourth one this year. You hated it always being the new kid, all the questions about yourself, retelling the same practised lies over and over. You never made friends. A few days into your first week, you had seen Lucifer standing by the gate "have fun" he said in a mocking tone as you walked passed him. You rolled your eyes sending him a smirk. The classes were boring and at lunch you walked around the school grounds finding a quiet and isolated place to think. "You look like you could use the company" a familiar voice said. Turning round you see Lucifer sat on a large rock holding his arms out. You smiled and ran to him, wrapping your arms around his cold body. When he pushed back you sat next to him, "so why are you here alone when you could be making friends?" he asked. You told Lucifer about how your father would be finished with his latest case and drag you to another state and another school before you had time to make a friend so you didn't see the point in trying. He smiled putting his arm around you "well at least you have me, the angel and devil on your shoulder wherever you go" he joked. You smiled at the joke referring to then you were a little younger watching cartoons and the angel and devil sketch on tom and Jerry, how he would say it's him.

Your happy moment with Lucifer had been stopped by a loud girls voice "i told you the new girl was a freak!" she called, looking up you could see 3 girls and a boy a few feet away from you getting closer. You went to walk away but they spaced out blocking your path, looking around you couldn't see Lucifer anymore too. "So crazy girl what were the voices saying telling you, your a freak with no friends, we heard you don't try and deny it" they said. Looking around for an escape you see Lucifer now behind the leader of the group of bullies. He held a mischievous grin as he went to click his fingers "Lucifer! Don't!" you shouted looking past the group at him.

Their head all turned around seeing nobody. They looked back at you laughing one of them pushed you to the ground as they walked off."you should have let me teach them a lesson y/n" he said.Picking yourself up you shook your head at him, "this is your fault! I'm the freak with the invisible non-real friend and i wonder why people think i'm weird" you whisper no longer afraid someone else will hear you. Lucifer looks at you annoyed "well that's because no one is special like you" he says holding out his hand. You don't take it instead you walk past heading to your next class. For the rest of the day you ignored Lucifer trying to shut him out when he tried to get your attention.

The rest of the day you heard muttering about you, the story of the crazy new girl who talks to her imaginary friend spread like wildfire. You stood by your lockers hearing the latest Chinese whisper. You couldn't help the tears falling down your face, when you got outside you had to pass a group of students. They stood by the wall smoking watching you, "don't walk past us freak we don't what to breath your crazy air" someone said. You looked at the ground about to carry on walking when she screamed. Her long lose hair had caught fire, Lucifer stood by a tree, a satisfied smile on his face as he watched the girl and her friends put out her hair. The school said it was a result of too much hair spray and smoking was what caused the fire, the girl and her friend blamed you, you however knew the truth about what really started the flaming hairball. When you got home you told Lucifer you couldn't do this anymore you needed him to go you were too old for him now and he was making your life harder more than better.

It was true he was, often you'd been caught by your father talking to him which earned you a smack or by members of the public who frowned at you. In school Lucifer offered to help you with your homework telling you the real story of the bible when your work got marked your father was called into school and it had been suggested you see a doctor when you told them Lucifer told you to write it and it was all the truth. Another time kids in a different school had been bullying you, this time over your home at the motel. Saying your clothes were cheap, Lucifer didn't like it and snapped his fingers. The other students clothes turned into bin bags. Another time a boy had asked you out but laughed at you when you said yes saying he'd never date someone like you! Lucifer tied his shoes together at the top of the stairs and watched with an evil smirk as the boy fell down the stairs. The school kids started calling you a witch or said you pushed him down the stairs,making you need to change schools again.

Yes, he'd try to protect you from the hideous humans in his words. But he had made your life harder at the same time and now you needed to grow up and move on. You both argued about it Lucifer telling you he'd never leave his soulmate, his only way out of hell and the cage even if he'd never tell you what that meant. In the end you won and he left storming out the door like an angry child blowing all the lights as he left. Your father walked in near the end of your argument with you invisible friend, when the lights blow he dragged you out the motel straight to a doctor. He didn't believe that Lucifer blew the lights blaming the old electrics in the motel but what he did see was you arguing with yourself in the room and that need to be treated.

You spent a long in a heath spa like retreat, well that was the nice way of saying a mental health camp for teens. Spending hours with a therapist talking about your life, well telling the repeated lies about your life. The doctor told you Lucifer was Imaginary, someone your mind created because your father's job moving around the country not having chance to make a real friend, he explained in depth valid reasons for why he appears to you, added to the stress of the life of a hunter's daughter and the long nights alone, you didn't tell anyone about, started to believe what the doctor was telling you someone your mind created because your life on the road, over the weekend they gave you a mix of pills each time Lucifer would try to worn you not to listen to them or take drugs you didn't need. You looked at him taking the pills pushing him out letting yourself he's not real, soon he left. Your life moved on without ever seeing your fallen angel again. After nearly a year of not seeing Lucifer the doctors allowed you to leave just before your 15th birthday.

Lucifer stood hidden watching you pack your bags into your father's car. One day he'd be out the cage and have you back, prove to you and everyone else he's real. One day he'd be free and have you as his again. Closing his eyes he found himself back in hell a mindless demon looking up to him vowing to get him out the cage. Lucifer smiled thinking soon he'd have her back.

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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