A More Interesting Hospital Encounter

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The same nurse came again shortly after, when Dark brought two sandwiches for lunch. One for me, one for him. The nurse politely took Wilford's hospital food order and left again, avoiding my eyes. I sat back with my sandwich and took a bite.

"She seems afraid of you," said Dark in a conversational manner. His aura was contained, and he looked like a rather pale businessman in his suit, but he still felt somewhat impressive.

I rolled my eyes and pointed at my mouth. Dark chuckled.

"Forgive my ill timing. I asked just as you bit."

After a few moments, I swallowed the bite and said, "I had to threaten her earlier. She was trying to figure out why I was here alone for my uncle."

"It was an impressive display," Wilford chimed in, sitting up in his bed. "Just looked her in the eye and told her to back off, and wonder of wonders, she did!" He chuckled good-naturedly. "This little scamp has somehow gained Google's death stare."

I smiled and took another bite. Dark frowned.

"Did you make any actual threat, or did you just make her back down?"

"Well, I don't recall the little rascal saying anything would happen if she didn't leave," Wilford said, dramatically stroking his chin.

Dark smirked. "I see."

The nurse came back in, carrying a tray with food on it. She carefully placed the tray on an strange one-legged table that stood to one side. The table's leg went down on one side to a wheeled base. She turned it and moved it so that the leg was next to the bed, the base disappeared under it, and the table itself extended over the bed. Wilford thanked her with almost mock enthusiasm and began to tuck into the food. The nurse then said, "Excuse me sir, but can we talk in private?"

It took me a few moments to realize she was talking to Dark.

Dark shrugged and followed her to the bathroom in the corner of the room.

The two stayed in there for a while. I heard the nurse's frantic whisper and Dark's low murmur, but I couldn't understand what either of them were saying. After a few minutes, the nurse and Dark emerged, the nurse in the lead. She stood stoically by the bed, her expression determined. Dark gestured for me to come to him. The nurse flinched as I passed her, but she still didn't move.

I approached Dark, the shoebox held tight in my sweaty hands. Something was wrong. Something was very very wrong. When I reached him, he flipped the lid off the box and drew the pistol, pointing it at the nurse.

She stood very still, staring at the barrel of the gun, her lips parted in shock. I knew the feeling of staring down a pistol. I felt kind of bad for her, but I knew Dark wouldn't draw it unless it was necessary.

"Cover the call button, Wil," he said, his voice low and calm. He was in complete control of the situation, and he knew it. Wilford grabbed the little white plastic box hanging next to his bed.

Dark focused on the nurse. "We're a rather suspicious bunch," he said. "I of all people know that. But truly, I am only trying to get my friend some help." He jerked his head towards Wilford. "So if you get in the way of that, we might have a problem."

The room was silent. The nurse was breathing rather heavily.

"Kid, stand outside and don't let anyone but the doctor enter or look in," Dark said to me, still watching the nurse closely. "And don't look yourself. It might get messy."

I stood and walked towards the door. As I left, I heard Dark say, "Now, you will go back to your station and take care of the papers. I don't care what you have to do. Falsify them, pretend there was--"

The door closed behind me. I didn't hear anything else.

I sat on one of the little benches outside the room, watching the hallway. There was no one in sight. A doctor, not one I knew but a different one, passed at one point, but he was too involved in his papers to look. Finally, I gave up watching the hall and peeked in the little rectangular window in the door.

I couldn't see the bed, but Dark and the nurse beyond him were in view. Dark lowered the pistol, and I saw the nurse give a small sigh of relief. But the next moment, the cloud of smoke Dark worked so hard to hold in engulfed the room. I could barely see through it, but I did see the nurse's uniform disappear right before the nurse begin to scream, and I saw her body dissolve, bit by bit. First her skin vanished, and I could see muscle and bits of bone and tendon. Then the muscle melted away and I saw organs on the brink of falling from her frame and bare bone and eyeballs and skull as her now gumless teeth remained parted in a scream I couldn't hear. The soft organs turned into dust before they could hit the floor, and her bones collapsed into a pile as her tendons disappeared and nothing held them together. Finally, the bones themselves crumbled into the cloud around them, and nothing was left.

All within half a second. And in the next half a second, the cloud itself was sucked back into Dark's pale, suited form.

Nothing else had moved. Nothing else had happened. But within a second, the nurse and all traces of her had completely and utterly vanished.

I stood frozen at the window, watching Dark's back. His chest heaved and his legs slightly trembled, but only for a moment or two. Then he steadied and said something to Wilford that I didn't hear, and I had the sense to duck my head. He had told me not to look, but now the image of the nurse with her skin and muscle gone and her organs falling was seared onto my mental eye.

Eavesdroppers are their own punishment.

A/N This kid is gonna need some intense therapy... Especially since I'm putting this up like the day after I put up the regularly scheduled part because I have the next part for this week written already and it's going downhill from here. Have fun!  -Spoon

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