thirty two ⇄ claimed

Start from the beginning

every time jimin moaned, it only brought back the memories from last night that could only be refreshed by the video.

yoongi was hard all over again. he didn't remember the feeling of doing what he did to jimin, but he wished he did.

fuck, they looked good.

he sat through all forty five minutes of it.

and then he realized, he and jimin made a porno. they literally had a sex tape.

question was, did he tell jimin or not? he would have to if jimin remembered.

yoongi kept replaying his own words.

he called jimin so many different names without having to regret it.

but it was nowhere near the vanilla sex he wanted their first time to be.

yoongi set the camera down.

suddenly, he heard the quiet pitter-patter of jimins feet, and then jimin. came into view. he had shorts on, but nothing else. he was wide-eyed.

"the pictures," he said. yoongi gulped.

"i don't think you wanna-"

"let me see," he grabbed the camera.

yoongi only held his breath.

jimin looked at the photos. yoongi took the time to admire the hickeys he left all over him.

claimed; added to the list.

"you really don't want to-"

jimin suddenly handed the camera back.

"yoongi please don't tell me that's a sex tape," jimin closed his eyes.

"i-it is," yoongi said.

jimin let out a groan.

"fuck, i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have let us get that drunk. i shouldn't, i don't know. i probably came onto you. i'm so sorry," jimin sat next to him.

"i remember everything before that video," yoongi said.

"tell me everything. was i bad? i was probably really bad and embarrassing," jimin put his head in his hands.

yoongi didn't speak. he didn't know what to say.

he couldn't really say out loud that right now all he wanted was to get jimin naked again and hear him beg, just like last night.

yoongi still had a boner, after all.

"god, it's that bad? i'm sorry you even have to remember that. it was probably gross and uncomfortable for you-"

yoongi covered jimins mouth with his hand.

how badly he just wanted to choke him (in a sexual, friendly way.)

"jimin, it's fine. you just asked me to teach you a few things, so i did," why was yoongi giving him that many details?"

"like what?"

"to uh.. grind on me how i like it. and then.. how to finger yourself," he said. his cheeks were red.

now is your chance to stop talking.

"that's all?"

"uhm, no," jimin deserved to know the truth, "and then i think.. that i fingered you?"

"god i'm so fucking sorry you had to do that. i know you turned me down a lot and you didn't want to. i was probably so bad in bed-"

"hush, jimin. if it counts, from what i remember you were really, really good," yoongi admitted.

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