"Kai wake up." I whispered in his ear. Like Sehun, Kai rolled around his bed.

"Kim Jongin!" I whispered again.

"Kai hyung!" Sehun says, tickling him. Kai squirms and opens his eyes.

"Sehun what the hel- Oh Sarang annyeong." Kai says, sitting up, his eyes half open.

"Wake up. Come on, help us wake the others up." I tell him. "I'm going from maknae to oldest." I say as Kai nods and slowly gets up from his bed.

We creep out of the room and go into Tao's.

"Tao hyung can't wake up easily." Sehun says as I nod.

I tickle him while Kai and Sehun take his blanket off and hit him softly.

"Oh? Good morning guys." Tao says with his eyes closed.

"Morning!" I chirp. "Wanna. help me wake everyone else up?" I whisper as Tao gets out of bed.

"Yeah... ok" he yawns.

"Mian Kai, but back to your room." I say.

As Kai opened the door, I was surprised that Kyungsoo had already woken up.

"Oh morning Kyungsoo!" I say as the guys do the same.

As I look back, it looks like only Sehun was awake. "Sehun, step back." I warn him as he nods.

I face Tao and Kai, and splash their faces with water.

That immedietly woke them up.

"Hey! What was that for?" Tao whined as Kai rubbed his eyes.

"You guys looked like you were gonna fall asleep again." I pointed out.

"Let's go to Chanyeol." I say. We all walk to Baekyeol's room, and I try waking Chanyeol up, but it's really difficult.

"Mhhh." Chanyeol rolls around and puts his hands around me, making me lie on top of him.

"Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol!" I panic. "Yah hyung, let go of her!!" Kai, Sehun and Tao yells, trying to help me get off of Chanyeol's grasp.

As they finally get me off, Chanyeol's still sleeping, but something was standing tall and proud and the guys widened their eyes and covered mine.

"Haha um Sarang-ah, maybe you should wake up Chen next. We'll take care of Chanyeol." Kai says, pushing me out of the room.

As I exit the room,my cheeks are scarlet.

I go to Chen's room, and try to forget about Chanyeol.

I tickled Chen to wake him up, and he woke up laughing.

"Oh hey Sarang-ah!" he yawns and says loudly as I cover his mouth.

"Don't wake your hyung up." I say as he nods.

"Are you ready to troll?" I ask as he nods happily.

"Let's go!" he says as I guide him back to Baekhyun's room.

Luckily, I didn't see Chanyeol anywhere, along with the guys.

Chen procedes to do what he doing to do, and I open the window shades, brightening the room.

Baekhyun tosses and turns, and Chen also tickles him awake like I did to him.

"Yah. Yah! YAH!" Baekhyun yells and finally opens his eyes.

"Oh morning." Baekhyun says as he sees Chen.

"Morning!" I pop in front of him.

Baekhyun suddenly falls from his bed, and Chen starts rolling around on the floor, laughing.

EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя