Chapter 9: Escaped

Start from the beginning

"I want to see that damn recording right now" I snapped as the guard walked away quickly to get the recording.

I paced in my room waiting for the guard to return with the recording.

How the fuck can she leave me just like easily, when just last night we...and here I thought that she was finally accepting her new life with me but can I be so stupid to not understand that she was just seducing me last night to distract was all just a fucking distraction to escape from me.

It wasn't love.


It's all my fault I should have been more careful, I should have known that she'll do something like this just to escape from me.

"Sir, here's the video" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the guard's voice.

"Play it" I ordered.

"Sir" he said in acknowledgement as I sat down on the bed and he placed the laptop in front of me and played the recording.

The frown lines on my forehead grew deeper as I carefully watched the recording, it showed Vienna who's face was half covered but still she could be recognised, getting into a car followed by a man but his back was facing the camera so his face couldn't be seen at all.

I paused the video and looked at it closely for a while.

What the...

It's David.

I know his face can't be seen but I can still recognise him.

But what if I'm wrong.

What if this man is not David but someone else. But also who else can get into the mansion with such a tight security.

I need to be sure first because I don't think that my own friend would betray me like this. He is more like a brother to me and I know he considers me as a brother as well. Than why would he do this to me, why would he help Vienna get away.

Well, unless there's something going on between the two of them and they ran away together.

Suddenly all I could see was red and all I could feel was rage as soon as the tiny thought entered my head.

No no no that's not possible because...she is only mine.

I zoomed in on the model of the car and it's number plate.

So I was right, the man is's his damn car.

"Where the fuck is David" I demanded shutting the laptop.

"He is in the backyard sir, he was not here since last night...he arrived just few hours back" The guard replied.

"Get him here right now" I said calmly this time, as the guard who's name I now remember is Shane walked out to inform David that I want to see him.

"Hey bro, you wanted to see me" David asked walking in my room.

"Yeah. Do you know that Vienna is missing since this morning" I asked.

" is that possible" he replied with a surprised face.

"You know David I always knew that you are good at everything be it studies, killing and what not but I never knew that you are such a great actor" I said before throwing a punch at his face.

"Ouch! Dude you seem to be in a really sour mood" He groaned in pain.

"Oh you have no idea what mood I'm in right now" I said throwing another punch which hit right at his jaw.

"What's wrong with you Ryan" He said as he held his jaw.

"What's wrong with me?" I repeated his words.

"You go and take my damn girlfriend away from me to god knows where and yet you have the audacity to ask me what's wrong with me" I yelled.

"Bro, trust me I did no such thing. I have no idea where she is" he said.

"Oh I did that already, I trusted you and you went behind my back and helped Vienna out of here" I replied fuming with anger.

"Now tell me where did you take her and before you even think of lying again let me tell you that I saw you both getting into your car together. So just tell me the truth before I lose my temper" I said tucking my hands in my pockets.

"Ryan, trust me I..." Before he could complete whatever lie he was about to utter I grabbed him by his collar ready to beat the truth out of him.

"David I know you well, if I was wrongly accusing you than by now you would have reacted and would have hit me back but you didn't because you know what I'm blaming you for is know you are guilty" I said before pushing him away harshly.

"It's so funny that my own friend whom I consider as my brother, betrayed me in the worst way possible. You know very well that I can't live without her...I would go crazy without her and yet you..." I trailed off laughing, shaking my head.

"You know very well that being a mafia I have a lot of enemies and yet you put her life in danger by getting her out of this mansion. And if any of my enemy knows what she means to me...about the relation I have with her than do you have any idea what they would do to her just to hurt me...just to get back at me" I snapped as guilt and regret flashed in his eyes.

I heard him sigh.

"You are right I helped her out but...look I don't have any good reason that would justify my actions but for now all I can do is take you where I dropped her" He said.

"You better do" I replied walking towards the closet to get changed.

"And one more thing if I don't find her or if she is in any kind of danger than our friendship...our brotherhood is over" I added.


Hey guys,

So sorry for not updating for so long.

But now I'll try my best to update weekly.


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Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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