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Draco grew up in a Family that when something wasn't "perfect" or "normal" he got punished.
So Draco was abused at Home every time he didn't make it on the Potty or he made something wrong so you see he didn't have an easy life.
——————-in the Train——————-

One day when Draco arrived to hogwarts he was with his Friends on the train. They told each other what they did during break.
10 Minutes at Hogwarts 
About 5 Minutes past he felt an Little pain in his Bladder he ignored it. at Hogwarts everyone goes in his Room nobody can go out unless one of the Teachers came in to talk to the kid.
So 10 Minutes passed and Draco has unpacked his things. Soon Draco felt that the pain got stronger and stronger he didn't want to use the bathroom because, every minute the teacher can come in and when he can't see Draco he can't go out of his room. So he was waiting and waiting for 5 more minutes and then his bladder gave up.
„MALFOY..!" Snape just Stood there while Draco pissed himself in the front of his teacher. It was so embrassed and before he knew it everything goes black.

soon he woke up in a hospital wing. He realize he wasn't alone Snape just stood there and waiting until he saw that Draco was up...
„Draco is everything alright" Snape ask
Draco shook his head no it wasn't.
„What's wrong...?" Snape ask with an lovefull voice
„Y- You s-saw M-me wetting myself it was an accident I didn't mean to" he cried.
„It's really okay It was an accident..." Snape told him.
„The doctor will come back soon with the tests" he said.
„Tests"? Draco asked.
„Yes we made the test while you was asleep so he will back soon" Snape says
The doctor came in and saw that Draco was up he looked to Snape and then to Draco with an worried look.
„Mister Malfoy, Mister Snape...?" the doctor began.
„Draco's bladder have a size like a 6 year old Child..." he told us.
„Why...?" Draco asked.
„Because when u were 6 your bladder didn't grew more. so it is a small bladder.." Snape told Draco
Draco began to worry and his eyes filled with tears. „why me , why me I can't go home ever again dad will hurt me again because I am so a Freaking baby..." he thought to himself and cried but he said it to loud. „What will your dad doing..?" his teacher ask.
Both of them were in shock.

„Why would your dad hurt you..." ask Snape worried.

„Be-because when I was nine i started wetting myself an- and one day my dad found out and he is ashamed of me" he says with tears in his eyes.
„But it's not your fault why doesn't he understand this.." the doctor ask
„I don't know..."

Alright I edited this finally. It made me cringe reading this but my English wasn't the best and still isn't 😅 but I tried my best.

7th April 2020

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