Chapter 1.

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***Beca's POV***


"Mother fucker..."

"Don't swear." Chloe giggles from behind me, her voice muffled by my hair.

"It's 7 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday, I think it's appropriate to swear." I grumble while I turn off the alarm. I look down to see Chloe's hands across my waist and feel her warmth against my back. The truth is I wouldn't mind what time it was, as long as I could be here, with Chloe. A small smile creeps onto my lips at that thought.

"I see that smile, stop pretending to be so grumpy." Chloe says knowingly. Damn it.

"Oh no, that's because I had a dream that I smashed that alarm clock." I retort.

Chloe giggles into my hair, god I love that giggle. "Sure, it is."

"Shut upppp!" Fat Amy groans from her bed across the room. "Can't you two flirt at 7am somewhere else?"

"Sorry Amy." Chloe laughs as she climbs out of my single bed and walks over to the closet that Amy and I share. "Hey Becs, can I borrow a jumper?"

"Sure." I say, burying my face into the pillow. "Remind me again why we are awake at 7am?"

Chloe comes out of the closest in my favourite oversized jumper, she looks so cute in my jumper, even when she's only just woken up. "Because it's our turn to make breakfast for the Bellas, Becs, and I have to leave early afterwards to see Tom."

Tom. My heart drops and my smile disappears. Why him? Why does someone as sweet, kind and caring as Chloe Beale have to be with someone like Tom? He doesn't care about her, he treats her like crap and just uses her when he feels lonely. He doesn't deserve someone like Chloe. She deserves the world.

"...Beca? You alright?" her voice breaks my train of thought. I look up from my pillow and see her beautiful bright blue eyes looking down at me, worried.

"Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say shaking my head to rid my thoughts. I try to change the subject, "let's go make breakfast before Fat Amy throws a book at us." I laugh, while getting out of bed. Chloe just stares at me, trying to read me. I nod to signify that I'm alright. She gives me her reassuring smile, she knows not to push me to explain and that's one of the things I love about her. She knows I'll come around eventually and she's always there for me when I do.

"This is going to be the best breakfast ever!" she says excitedly while taking my hand and leading me down the stairs to the kitchen.

*** Narrator's POV***

Chloe and Beca walked into the kitchen. The rest of the Bellas were still asleep, meaning that they had the rear opportunity of an empty kitchen.

"Do you notice that we're the only ones here Chlo? Maybe that's because everyone else is normal and actually sleep in on weekends?" Beca said sarcastically.

"Normal? Really? I don't think any of us are normal." Chloe laughed "and besides, I know you secretly love it" Chloe adds with a wink, making the small brunette blush.

"I don't love it, I'm a badass. I tolerate it." Beca winked back, causing the ginger to burst out laughing.

"Whatever you say Becs."

Chloe and Beca laughed and searched through the kitchen looking for food.

"What should we make for the Bellas?" Chloe asked.

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