Welcome To The Dragon Sanctuary

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I slowly emerge from under (d/n)'s wing and watch closely as Valka darts out of the room as the boy who is apparently Valka's son called Hiccup follows her stumbling to catch up, with Toothless eagerly following behind them. I glance up at (d/n) as he/she gurgles down at me and tilts his/her head cutely like an owl, I feel a grin split onto my features and pull my helmet over my head once again darting through the tunnels just like Valka, Hiccup and Toothless had done.

I race down the stony maze as I effortlessly manoeuvre my way through. I skid to a stop as I take a sharp turn to the left, I was taking a shortcut to the main area of the sanctuary. After two minutes I peek around the corner and peer out to the magnificent spectacle that is all the dragons flying around the gargantuan centrepiece near where the Bewilderbeast lay mostly dormant.

I mount (d/n) and signal him/her to hang from one of the protruding rocks around the edge of the chamber. (D/n)'s claws dig into the rock making small pebbles fall and hit my helmet. I shake the pebbles off me and peer around the rock to see Valka mounting Cloudjumper and hanging in a similar fashion to me.

Valka sensing someone behind her glanced behind to smile when realising that it was me. Valka puts a single finger to her pale lips silently telling me to stay hidden and quiet. I nod in understanding and watch silently and Hiccup and Toothless emerge as one of the entrances, Hiccup gasps as he watches the majestic sight held before him.

"This is where you have been for 20 years?" Hiccup questioned stunned towards Valka as she hung from the rock with the help of Cloudjumper. Valka nods her head as I try to stay out of sight but also see what is currently happening. "You've been rescuing them" Valka once again nods her head seemingly smiling. "Unbelievable" Hiccup breathes out.

"You're not upset? Valka questions Hiccup.

"What?, No, uh, I don't know its a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day that you find out that your mother is some type of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady." He states as he jostles his arms around. Valka lets out a hearty laugh.

"Well at least I'm not boring" she states. Valka slides of Cloudjumper, then she hooks her staff on Cloudjumper's talon as they lift her down to Hiccup and Toothless below.

"Well, I suppose there is that, that one specific thing," Hiccup says mumbling the last part as a Snufflefang rubs their head on him.

Valka looks out to the sanctuary before her that she has helped flourish over the 20 years that she had lived here. "Do you like it?" Seeking for Hiccup's approval in her passion.

"I-I don't have the words," Hiccup says in utter awe as he stands beside his mother. Valka looks towards Toothless where he is getting harassed by some of the resident dragons.

"Can I?" Valka asks Hiccup gesturing to Toothless, Hiccup moves his hand slightly saying that's ok. "He's beautiful," Valka says to Hiccup holding Toothless's face. "Incredible" she murmurs as Toothless nuzzles up to her and walking around her back. "He might very well be the last of his kind" Valka states as Toothless rolls belly up. "LOOK! HE'S YOUR AGE!" Valka exclaims. "No wonder you get along so well," She says looking under Toothless's chin.

I edge further forward on (d/n) as they were kind of moving out of my vision.

"Retractable teeth," Valka says fawning over the Night Fury petting his tongue which was sort of weird, but I don't question it because it's Valka.

"I found him in the woods, he was, shot down and wounded..." Hiccup trails of what I assume was guilt. I feel my face drop as I hear that. I have been making prosthetics for all the wounded amputee dragons that reside within the sanctuary. It seems Valka's face drops also to my how she moves as I can't see her face.

Valka stands tall and steps over to a Snufflefang and starts explaining how the dragons I have repaired were caught in traps set up by Drago Bloodvist. "Did Drago do this too?" Valka questions holding up Toothless's prosthetic tail which was red and had a Viking face painted in white on the fabric. The prosthetic is well made, I pull out my notebook from a pouch attached to my saddle jotting notes about Toothless's well crafted prothetic as well as a diagram of what I can see. I wonder if Hiccup made it or someone else did back on his island.

"Well, actually I was, the one who shot his down..." Hiccup answered Valka's question as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "But he got me back, you couldn't save all of me" Hiccup's sentence directed to Valka and Toothless as he rubbed Toothless under the chin. "SO PEG LEG!" Hiccup exclaims as he lifts his left leg to show off a metal leg.

I get bored with their conversation and fiddle with my fingers for a little while as Valka explains the dragon hierarchy and the bewilderbeast. As the dragon king lifts his head I bow my head as Valka kneels. Hiccup stands astonished as the bewilderbeast blows an icy frost into Hiccup's hair. I giggle under my helmet as he brushes the frost out of his hair and eyebrows.

I look back down to my hands and play with my fingers and the cuffs of my armour. Then I was mentioned.

"You know my friend made all the prosthetics that the dragons are wearing, she has fixed them all up as you can probably see," Valka tells Hiccup. She seems proud of me. My cheeks flush in embarrassment as I dig my face into my hands and lean completely down on (d/n)'s back. (D/n) gurgles up at me humorously.

Hiccups eyes widened in realisation of something. "You mean that other rider on the black Stormcutter?" Valka smiles at Hiccup and then arches her head back towards where (d/n) hangs with me sat embarrassed in my saddle. I'm so glad I'm wearing my helmet. I shrink behind (d/n)'s neck frills in hopes that Valka would forget I was even there.

"(Y/n), come down here and meet my son Hiccup." She tells me. I nervously lift my head to see Hiccup looking directly at me in awe as I hang there, didn't he realise I was there the whole time? I tap (d/n)'s neck frills telling her to fly towards Valka, Hiccup and Toothless.

(D/n) opens his/her four mighty midnight black wings and descends gracefully to Valka and Hiccup. As we land (d/n) folds his/her wings and bows his/her head so Hiccup and Valka can see me better. I lean forward and peer at Hiccup through my helmet below me.

"(Y/n) take your helmet off please," Valka asks me. I glance at Valka for a split second before returning my gaze back to Hiccup. I suck in a breath and unclip my helmet and slip it off, my (h/l) (h/c) falling from my helmet and I run my hand through it to neaten it up. I stare at Hiccup's beautiful forest green orbs as they dilate like the eyes of a dragon.

Hiccup's POV

'She-She's absolutely stunning' was my only thought as I gaze up at this goddess of a Viking woman. No matter how cheesy that sounds I was pure truth. 'Am I in Valhalla?" I thought.

(Y/n)'s POV

'He looks so much more handsome up close' I thought. I breathe out and introduce myself to Hiccup.

"Hi... I'm (y/n)" 

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