Who am I?

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The groan of the damaged door resonated from deep within my bones. The logs creaked and shifted with the breeze, 'I hope the house doesn't collapse on us...' I thought as I took to walking in what was once a beautiful living room with a fire pit in the center for the harsh winters that coasted Gilsa with a closed fist.

Every step lifted what seemed like years of accumulated dust, grime and ash to spring into the air; a harsh cough erupts from my lungs and I continue searching through my old house. Making my way up the stairs on the left side of the living room was three rooms, I make my way to the door closest to me and I try to open it. It wouldn't budge. Maybe the hinges were too rusted or there was something blocking the way? Stubborn as I am I continued to bash my shoulder against the still dense wooden door.

Hiccup then makes his way up the stairs and spots me. "Do you want help (y/n)?" Hiccup asks.

"All good-" I grunt and a final bash with my shoulder the door swings open. Lucky that my armour has shoulder pads or else I would have one hell of a bruise.

"This was my father's room I presume." I drawl out, still salty of what that man had done to me in the past. Yet the past is the past and you can't change that; I have to try and enjoy the life I have now with Valka, Hiccup and the dragons...

I walk over beside the destroyed king sized bed frame, burnt to a crisp and rotting with water damage. My eyes catch something glinting from inside his cupboard where he used to keep his armour and clothing. I cautiously took a step towards the cupboard and bent down, sneezing as some dust and ash made it into my airways.

Pulling out a medium-sized chest, adorned with silver swirls and the town dragon crest on the lid.

"What's that (Y/n/n)?" Hiccup asked as I put the chest on the bed.

"I have no clue-" The house creaks severely as the log supports cracked heavily under the pressure of the sudden strong current of wind passing by.

"I don't think it's the best of ideas to stick around..." Hiccup states looking at the sky as dark clouds peek at us from a-way away, hinting at an incoming storm later that night.

"Yeah, maybe we should explore more when the weather calms down... let's head back to the sanctuary for now." I reply "and I'm taking this with me..." I groan as I pick it up, Hiccup goes to move forward to help me with the chest, but I turn on my heel.

"I'm fine on my own, dragon boy" I poke my tongue at him in protest "I'm perfectly capable to do this all on my ow-" I go to finish my sentence as I not so gracefully topple down the stairs.

"(Y/n)!" Hiccup gasps and he tries to go down after me, but his prosthetic slips on the ash and he comes down on top of me. I had managed to twist my entire body around as I fell so Hiccup had fallen face-first into my chest plate, most likely smashing his nose in.

"Oh My Thor! Are you alright Hic?" I gasp as I hold his face in my hands, I bring him closer to my face so I could see if there was any damage; his auburn hair tickling my fingers as I brush his soft bangs away from his face to see his bloodied nose. I tear off a piece of my undershirt and poured some of the water in my flask on it and proceeded to wipe the blood away.

"I'll fix you up once we get back, how about that?" I told him "we can also open this chest as well..." I added as I took a glance at the chest laying a little ways away from where we not so elegantly fell.

"Sounds like a plan." Hiccup stated as he stood up and brushed off his pants, pulling me up with him.

The flight back was fairly quiet as flew, I strapped the mysterious chest to the saddlebags on either side of (d/n) he/she grumbles a little as some birds fly past.

Diving down into the entrance of the sanctuary I hopped off of (d/n) and took off the chest. Hiccup and Toothless had landed next to me as we headed to my room. Sitting down at my desk, I put all my documents onto a shelf out of the way, I place the chest on the desk with a grunt. It was fairly heavy. After I had bandaged up hiccups nose and cleaned him of blood and checked him and myself for any other injuries we went back to the mysterious chest sitting on my desk; Hiccup stood beside me curious as ever as he watched intently as I try and pry the chest open. The metal has melted with extreme heat, most likely a dragon attack or wildfire, therefore welding the lid to the rest of the chest.

"Can I help (y/n/n)?" Hiccup asked as he watched me desperately try and open it. A sigh escaped my lips in exasperation, I pushed the chest in Hiccups direction.

"Go for it..." I mumbled defeated as I crossed my arms. Hiccup pulled his fire sword from his leg and lit it. "Question. What are you doing?..." I asked tilting my head, Hiccup didn't answer as he ran the blade across the seam, liquefying the metal once again. He then pried the chest open with the blade the lid popping open.

Once the metal cooled down, I walked closer and peered into the chest. A gasp escaped my lips as I looked at the contents. I pulled out several things, a necklace with the villages crest crafted from silver attached on a burgundy rope, a leather bound journal, a satchel filled with a decent amount of coin which was specific to Gilsa as they didn't trade physical goods like other islands, and what surprised me the most was a metal cylinder no longer than my forearm.

Hiccup looked at me as I held the metal cylinder closer to my face inspecting the fine engraving of a Stormcutter spitting fire on it. "What is this?" I wondered out loud as I shook it gently to see if anything was inside. I screamed in shock as the metal cylinder popped open to be around 6ft in height and what looks to be daggers popping out of each end. "Is this a weapon of some sort?" Hiccup asked me, I looked up at him.

"I'm-I'm not sure..." I gave the pole a spin and to my surprise, the daggers on each end caught alight the faster I spun it. "Wow..." I said in awe of what I assumed to be a weapon.

Hiccup had wandered back to the chest and looked into it.

"Hey (y/n)?" Hiccup called over to me as I was completely entranced with my new weapon. "What's wrong Hic?" I said as I put the metal cylinder down and it retracted into its original form.

"There's a letter in the bottom of the chest..." Hiccup said with furrowed brows.

"What?" I asked and stride over to my friend. Hiccup handed me a piece of folded yellowed parchment. I opened it with steady fingers and read the letter out loud.

Dear My Darling Baby,

I know by the time you should read this I will be gone from this world. I wanted to leave a final gift to you, one that you can cherish for forevermore. I want you to know that I loved you and your older sister with all my heart, and I would do anything for you. Yet my time will likely be cut short as of my mistakes in my past.

I hope you can forgive me for what I have done you, your sister and Father.

So have gifted some things of mine that can help you in your future endeavours whatever they may be.

That metal tube in the chest was my own Bo Staff. It was of much use to me in my younger years as an explorer and helped me evade death multiple times, the journal has detailed descriptions of plants, animals and dragons along with maps of the islands surrounding Gilsa.

With love, Mum.

A single tear ran down my cheek as I read who wrote the letter. 'Who am I?'

Lost In The Clouds (Hiccup Haddock x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now