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It has been nearly a year since Luke started working at Kinks and Dićks. He didn't realize how fast the time flew by until Mr. Clifford ordered him a cake to celebrate his first year with the company. Micheal was a superb boss. He was kind and understanding, but firm when he needed to be. He genuinely seemed to care about his stars and their wellbeing, always checking up on them every once in a while and sending someone home if they as much as sneeze.

Mr. Clifford always had an eye out for the little blond that was Luke Hemmings. He knew that there was something special about him, his pure heart and extremely gentle soul that always needed protection and care. Micheal started to look at Luke as a dear friend, not just another worker. That's why when he heard some of his stars acting rudely around Luke, he took immediate action.

He remembered telling off one star in particular, Patricia who has been rather mean and cold towards the soft blond. She kept whining that Luke was so young and new yet he was awarded the most screen time. Micheal understood her frustration, she had been working for him for almost seven years, she had been working her ass off and doing as many shoots as she can to gain popularity and become the company's golden girl. It seems however, that the audience just wasn't as receptive towards her as Patricia hoped.

Sadly, Michael knew he had to let her go when she started sabotaging Luke. One time, she locked him in his dressing room when he needed to be called on set. Another time, she switched the lube on set to a brand that Luke was allergic to and poor boy had a burn for days. It wasn't even Luke that complained about her, Ashton was the one who came forward and told Micheal exactly what and who was hurting Luke. Micheal didn't even question it, he immediately got up and approached Patricia, telling her and her friends that if they can't respect their fellow costars, they'd be asked to leave. Of course, they agreed to respect but that was their final warning. The next time Patricia and her friend attacked was to steal the key to the handcuffs Luke was in. Micheal sent them home without a second glance.

Micheal snapped out of his daydream and focused on Luke's reaction to his cake. The younger man seemed so delighted at the sight of cake with the candles lit. He looked like a child again, lost in the innocence of frosting and cake and making wishes.

"Congratulations baby boy," Ashton cooed placing his hands on Luke's shoulders. Luke blushed and smiled.

"Thank you," he replied politely. Luke was cautious about his behaviour around Ashton in public. They were dating in secret, they cannot come out as a couple, especially to Micheal. Dating is violating company's rules. That meant that both Ashton and Luke could be fired, effective immediately if anyone caught on. Luke could not afford that happening. Over the last few months, he finally made enough money to keep his family afloat. No longer did they struggle to pay bills or afford the slowest internet speed. Rent was paid easily and never late.

Luke's father finally got a job as manager of a vehicle rental business. The pay was good, considerably higher than the last job and he didn't need to work more than two jobs anymore. Luke was extremely grateful for that. His dad was home, he saw him more, spent more time with him and saw him smile even more. Luke has had a great last few months.

With his father working a decent job, Luke didn't contribute as much to bills and rent as he initially did. He actually saved enough money to take him through his first two semesters at college. It wasn't a fancy college and marine biology wasn't the cheapest major to peruse, but Luke made enough to last him through his freshman year of university. He didn't think he'd be able to afford even that.

Luke planned on earning the remainder of the funds while working his job. He was one of the highest paid stars and either did solo scenes or ones with Ashton. Luke didn't mind going to work. He didn't mind shooting scenes five days a week in the afternoon. He loved it. He never thought he'd be that enjoys other people watching him have sex, but just the thought, the thought of someone watching Luke get punished and fuçked the way he deserves, it makes him hard. And working with his boyfriend is always a huge plus. He can't ever think of having sex with anyone else.

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