"Nothing." Jaime said innocently

"Nothing?" I asked and he nodded, "Your version of nothing has a bunch of guys holding my mate up against a wall before he tries to take a chunk out of you." 

"Well I told him about this kid that I met, oh yeah and then his druggie of a brother." Jaime started counting on his fingers

"Kid?" I asked

"Apparently early on his vamp transformation, he turned someone." Jaime said with a smirk and I turned to Damon

"Could you be anymore idiotic?" I snapped

"Early on his transformation." Jaime reminded

"I thought you were born with the abilities." I said suspiciously

"No. Signs start showing when alphas hit twelve." Alx explained

"And you weren't prepared." I finished, "Sorry for calling you an idiot." Damon gave me no reply and I took that as a sign that he was slightly annoyed.

"Where's the spell book?" Trinity asked and Alx nodded over to the table and I grabbed it, the hardcover sticking to my hand. I opened it up and stroked the pages almost reverently. The words that were normally foreign to me changed before my eyes. To phonetics I could actually say. 

"Я скучала по тебе" I whispered, "Покажи мне свои секреты." As I commanded the book, it flipped open in a frenzy, pages whipping back and forth. Wind swirled around and surrounded the book and I. 

"It's too late." I said in awe. Figures materialised in front of us and immediately I bowed my in reverence. "Приветствовать." 

Ana you have taken your time to summon us. We are not to be summoned as you please. 

From the dawning on the other's faces I could see that they had heard and understood exactly what the witch had said.

The witch covens are failing and your host has not taken advantage of her situation to rectify the situation.

"My mate has other things on her mind right now." Damon growled

Watch your tone with us son of blood. Your mate has not been doing her job as the rightful Zalta of the witch nation. She is a pathetic excuse for a witch.

I felt Tati and Ana simmer angrily inside me. Let me out. Ana commanded angrily and I let out a wicked smirk, ripping my necklace off and holding my arms out. The spirits had the common sense to have fear on their faces. 

How dare you talk about my host that way. What were you doing at her age? The only thing you did was simper after all the men in the village trying to get them to marry you. My host got all the men of the village in her bed. 

Ana was at full strength since I let her have full control. She gave me control over my mind, but my body was hers. Her voice boomed angrily and even the spirits shook. 

Outside the once sunny and bright coloured sky was now dark and lightning bolts whizzed by the open glass window. The window shook with the power of the wind. 

Tell my host that she didn't do anything and I will unleash my sister on you. She is very thirsty. Answer what questions her mate and pack have. 

"Who is Gregory?" Alx stepped forward

A vampire older than all your ages combined.

"What is his motive?" Alx asked

He wants power and he wants revenge on Tatiana. 

"What's the hunt?" 

The hunt was formed by Gregory when Tatiana and Anastasia first went missing. Obviously they were just in hiding until they could understand their powers. Since they were constantly shifting into new bodies, Gregory assembled the hunt so they could figure out who was possessing who. The hunt is mainly targeted at Tatiana

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