|| Show Me ||

143 9 13

||Gore warning||
You've been warned, if you don't like gore then I'm sorry... But you have been warned.

"What happens if you can't stop him?!" Mitch asks terrified. Preston and Jason look at Mitch, giving a look of sympathy that made Mitch's stomach knot... Knowing what it meant. Mitch gulps. Preston and Jason equip duel swords, giving Mitch one last look before rushing forward at Jerome. All Mitch could do was watch as they fight off Jerome's claws with clangs.
Jerome fighting like a bear, throwing Jason to the ground, his swords falling away from his grip. Preston charging at Jerome from the side, lifting his feet to slam into Jerome's ribs. Sending Jerome off of Jason and to the ground.
However the victory was short lived, giving barely enough time for Preston to help Jason up. Rob shoving Preston out of the way before Jerome could strike him.

"Rob you son of a Gun! What did you do that fo-" Preston sits up and glares at Rob, in time to witness Rob taking the strike instead of Preston.
Rob screams, feeling Jerome's claws slash across his face. "ROB!" Preston cries as Rob rolls to a stop, falling onto his side with multiple grunts.
"Rob, ROB!!" Preston's expression softened and felt tears prick in his eyes. Rob slowly sits up, leaning on his elbows before sitting up on his hands and knees with one hand on his face, covering the wound on his face... But despite his efforts of hiding it, blood drips between his fingers as he refuses to look at Preston. The blood dripping from his fingers to the ground blanketed in yellow leaves.

"Preston! Get him out of here!!" Jason demands, continuing to fight Jerome solo as Rob struggles to stand. Preston pushes himself back onto his feet, rushing to Robs side. Lifting Rob up, slinging his arm over his shoulders. Rushing him away from Jerome and towards Mitch, knowing he should be safe enough there for now.

"Show me" Preston sits Rob down, commanding Rob like a parent.
Trying to pull Robs hand away from his face. Rob shakes his head, tears dripping from his uncovered eye. "Rooooob" Preston glares at Rob.
"Rob, please show me" Preston pleads.
Rob reluctantly allows Preston to pull his hand away, uncovering the affected side of his face. Preston winces, his tears falling at seeing the wounds. Three large gashes across Robs cheek, starting from his jaw line. The middle gash across his entire cheek, wide and deep enough to see through into Robs mouth that was full of blood, the other two gashes still deep and see through... but not as wide as the middle gash. Robs eye half shut but full of blood. Blood splatter up his face and dripping blood from his chin. Preston regurgitates at the state of Robs face. The horrifying wounds. He could only imagine the pain.
"Oh... Rob... I-I'm so sorry. I- You were an idiot to take that blow, it should of been me. I was stupid to take my attention away from Jerome for even a moment" Preston hugs Rob tight, ensuring he didn't touch the wounds.
"You lovable idiot" Preston cries in a hushed voice. Rob hugs back. Attempting to talk but wincing at the amount of pain that flooded him.
Worrying at the amount of blood he was losing.
"Stay here and try free Mitch okay?" Preston tells him as he looks up at Mitch.
"If you see him struggling tell him to stop" Preston sets Mitch a command. Mitch nods. Preston smiles down at Rob, his smile faltering at seeing the amount of pain he was in. Unable to look any longer, Preston turns and rushes back at Jerome.

Rob stands up, using the cliff to his assistance. Mitch watching Rob for any sign of too much pain or struggle. "Rob, you're already struggling. Sit back down, you're in too much pain, we both know you are." Mitch can't help but look through the wounds through Robs cheek, no matter how much he fought himself not to look, he did. Mitch then turns his attention back to Preston and Jason as they continue to fight a winless battle against Jerome.
Mitch yelps in fear as Violet appears from no where, Zane slung weakly over her shoulder. She looks over at Rob

"Dear lord! What happened to your face?!" She asks, freaking out a little.

"He took a blow for Preston" Mitch answered. Understanding the pain Rob would be in. Violet simply nods, half listening.

"Well I have Zane to free you... Since Jason and Preston couldn't free you I'd assume they are magic. So Zane, free him now" she hisses at him. Zane chuckles.

"Why should I?" He acts snarky despite his voice being hoarse and weak. Acting as if this was a game.

"Would you like me to give you back to Jerome over there? I'm sure he would love another play date with you" she says sarcastically. Zane gulps, knowing he had no other choice.
Zane says dark magic tongues under his breath, the shackles unlocking, releasing Mitch from his imprisonment. Dropping him to the ground. His legs wobble beneath him, shaking from fear of what his closest bestfriend had become. Mitch grabs one of Robs arms, slinging it over his shoulder knowing Rob was too weak currently to stand.

"Thank you Violet" Mitch says before kicking Zane in the stomach. Yanking Zane by the hair to look at him as Zane coughs up blood, oozing from the corners of his mouth and staining his teeth. "That's for kidnapping me and imprisoning me like a hanging piece of meat" Mitch sneers.
"We should leave you for dead!" Mitch kicks him again in the stomach, making him groan.

"Mitch stop it! You'll become like Jerome if your not careful" Violet places a cautious hand on his shoulder. "Preston told me a few nights ago that you have a virus in you too" Violet answers without Mitch asking, the look on his face giving the question away.
Suddenly Mitch is snapped but to reality of what the current situation was by Preston being sent hurtling between Violet and him. Preston's body slamming into the cliff where Mitch had just been hung on. His body falling limp, bruised and bloody to the ground. Mitch rushes to Preston's side, finding Preston unconcious like Vikk and Lachlan. That only left Rob, Vi, Jason and Mitch still conscious against Jerome.

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