Its Begun

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Five... Four... Three
I cringed wanting to yell at Seto to stop the countdown but I knew he was too corrupt by a virus to break free of it and listen. I watched as the counting went from one to zero and everyone sprinted for mid opening chests or running away hoping to find chest throughout the map world Seto created.
I was tortured to watch, Seto had made a machine that held my eyes open and had a brace around my head forcing me to stare at the screens. I wanted to scream but Seto would electrocute me with the shock collar.
Your defenseless and helpless.

Mitch's POV
"WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!?" I yelled in the chaos around me as I engaged in combat with a random players realistic stone sword thats clashed with my iron sword. All around us were battles near mid as well as treasure like chests full of loot in the mid being looted. His skin was basic batman I laughed at them knowing I would win. We fought each other but we were too equally skilled to disarm the other, I let out a war cry and used all my strength to swing my sword up and swung his out of his hand. His sword clanged on the randomly built ground too far for him to run and fetch it in time. He coward at me knowing his defeat as he turned and ran but fortunately tripping over himself, I swung my sword down sinking it through his skull as he begged for mercy, but I knew this game all too well... This game had no mercy. He pixilated around my sword lighting up above my head as a fireworks display showcasing his player face... Death animation? I grunted as I picked up his sword in my other hand wielding tow swords one in each hand came in handy as I kept running. The swords dueled with others for a split second but I didn't engage in battle I needed to escape so I just kept swinging off multiple players swords and deflecting arrows that whirled from the trees.
"This is Chaos!" I yelled as another player threw herself in front of me engaging yet another battle with me as the others had. I didn't recognize her at all, no familiarities hit me so I made no hesitation at killing her. I used my two swords to trap her weapon and swung it away from her leaving her defenseless. I grinned stabbing both my swords into a player as one attempted an attack behind my back. I had no time to watch the fireworks display from their deaths. I laughed and was quick to stop as a
sensation filled my body, something I hadn't felt in a long time that I hated because of the loss of control it gave me...A blood lust, I wanted to kill people! I had to! I ran into the trees where the snippers were and killed multiple of them; at least seven hearing them scream from surprise as I chased them swinging my sword out at their ankles cutting them enough to make them fall so I could stab them and see their death animations. Yeah ok its cruel but I lost myself, the blood lust took over my brain as I took down yet another player.

"Mitch!" I snapped my head in the direction where someone had called my name... The players eyes widened at seeing me, there was no blood in this game that I could be covered in but she could probably see my sweat and likely the lust in my eyes. "Mitch don't kill me ok? I is huge fan man and I can see you're in a kill lust again so calm down. Focus on running because this is Chaos right now" I shook my head snapping out of it.

"Woah that was weird I haven't had that in a while" I said holding my head then looking at the person. She was battling another player so I couldn't see her skin too well but from what I could see through her armor... She wore a copy of my jacket but was shoulderless and was green checkered complimented with a red blood fade look, green shorts that were slightly ripped above her thighs with gold chains from her hip to mid waist, a white crop top and a halo helmet and arms. Looked pretty sick to be honest. "Thanks...." I squinted my eyes to read her gamer tag. "CANADIANBAJANGG" I smiled as he made her different colored eyes make a gesture that she was smiling through her visor. (Btw thats my character, I can have fun too). She looked like she knew this game about as well as I did and she knew what she was doing as her gear was pretty good for the start of this game. She had a chainmail boob plate and pants wielding an iron sword. While we battled our own players we chatted making an alliance or team, this wasn't a game that we knew well but we knew this game was one life only. I was temporarily distracted and she looked at me throwing off her player to the ground and stabbing them dead then throwing herself towards me. When I spun to see what she was doing a player ran at me but she got in the way of their sword blow dueling their axe. She let out a grunt then turned and looked at me.

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