Bigger Troubles Than Trolls

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<It has been I while since I uploaded anything so I thought I give you two chapters for the price of one. Thanks for reading.>

Ben ran for the front of the room. He was joined by Latheneril.

    “Be careful with this one, Ben. I know this troll. He is the leader of his clan and is a shaman. He will have strong magic. That is most likely how he got into the castle without alerting the guards.”

    “Thanks for the warning. I’ve not had the pleasure of battling with someone that will be throwing spells at me.” Ben said dryly.

    “Shamanic magic is not like ours. They don’t cast spells to channel the magic. It’s just in them. They are the magic, so to speak. I will let you confront him alone. Don’t worry though I will be with you in your mind. I will try to guide you in using some of your abilities to your advantage.” Then Latheneril broke off and took a spot where he could see the battle that was about to take place.

    Ben ran at the troll as hard as he could, but the closer he got the harder it was for him to move. It was like trying to run under water. In Ben’s mind he heard Latheneril say “He is channeling magic to prevent you from moving. You are strong enough to break his hold on you. Just picture in your mind that you are pushing the magic away from you.”

    Ben did so and to his amazement he was free to move again.

    He met the troll with a crash. They came to a standstill fist to fist. The troll had some how known exactly what Ben was going to do. Ben sensed that it was some sort of magic and tried to pinpoint it. It seemed to be some sort of power that was causing the troll to mirror his movement. Ben tested his theory by dodging to the left. The troll did exactly as Ben did write down to the arm and leg movements.

    Ben knew he could use this to his advantage. He made an exaggerated movement with his left arm and brought it back as though to hit himself in the face. He didn’t though he grazed by his head by just a fraction of an inch. The trolls head and fist were at least twice the size of Ben’s so the troll pummeled himself.

    Ben didn’t waist any time. He pounced on the troll as it was reeling backwards from the force of it’s own blow. He grabbed the troll by the head and gave a mighty yank with a little twist. Next thing Ben new he was falling back toward the floor. He crashed into a table and when he righted himself he was still holding the trolls head. He was also covered in stinking troll blood. How could something smell so bad on the inside and still be living.

    A tremendous cheer went up around the hall but Ben paid little attention to it. He was walking around the area checking on the downed soldiers. Several were injured severely. Ben climbed on a table and screamed at the crowd to shut up.

    “You men fashion stretchers and carry these injured men to the infirmary. What is the matter with you standing around cheering and drinking when your men are laying on the floor injured. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. There is nothing glorious about this. We were attacked we handled the threat. Deal with what needs to be done like oh, I don’t know, tending to the wounded before they die from injuries that wouldn’t normally kill them. Then we can celebrate a victory. It is not a victory when you leave men laying on the field of battle. The loss of one brave man is one to many. I wouldn’t trade 10 of you cowards for one of these soldiers.” Ben got down off the table he had climbed on, Threw the troll head at the nearest noble and left the hall.

    Lenny and Latheneril raced after Ben. Thorinious, Santinel and the king stayed to direct the treatment of the fallen soldiers. The king was not happy with his nobles either. They completely disrespect their station by acting like a bunch of drunken sailors when there was a near massacre in the great hall.

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