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Lana's P. O. V

"We have to Laine!"

"We don't Andy! We don't have to do something. We don't have to tell her right now. It doesn't make a difference."

"It does. If Lana doesn't know what she is going through she will probably be more affected".

"No Andy! If she doesn't know that she has leukemia, she will be less rebellious than what she is."

"And what's when the time comes?! Don't you think she will blame us for not telling her?"

"She might. But not now."

I opened my eyes. My mom and dad were near the door, trying to be soft but miserably failing.

"If not now then when Mom? Till when are you going to hide?" I asked, finally sitting up on the bed.

I had been awake for about ten minutes when both of them had come in arguing but after noticing that I was sleeping they had started with it again, but only softly.

I had laid still, pretending to sleep, only to know what they were arguing about.

Well, not like I'm upset about it.

"Lana... " My dad whispered.

"Don't dad. Don't 'Lana' me. I want to hear what mom has to say. How long? How long have you both known?" I questioned.

"A month. Since the day of your accident." My mom stated, looking unaffected.

"Ok then. What are you here for? I know you wouldn't come all the way here for only that reason. You would have told me on the phone if it was just that. Why are you here?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

They both shared a look. Dad looked guilty but mom. Unaffected and emotionless as ever.

My dad moved out and came back in with Dan.

"Dan is going off to a boarding school in two months time. And he is adamant on staying with you for that while. So we are here to drop him off. Only for these two months." My mom said, glancing towards Dan.

"Ok then. Now if you may please leave." I said, harshly.

I didn't want them here now. I just couldn't bare the steely looks my mom gave me.

"Sweetheart listen-" my dad tried but I cut him off.

"Go. Please just leave me alone. I will take care of Dan. I promise." I spoke and saw as my parents moved out. Dad, with a soft look while mom, giving me a glare.

Dan hurriedly moved closer to me and sat down on the bed.

"I am sorry" He whispered.

"Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry about." I said, sighing to relieve myself.

"I knew. I knew about this but Mom said that if I told you on my own, she wouldn't let me come and stay with you."

"I get it Dan." I spoke. "How long have I got?"

"A year and a half. It could be longer but that's only if we proceed with heavy treatment. Mom is not ready for that."


"She can be a bitch."

"Yeah. Some police officers came in to investigate yesterday. They suspect that it was not just an accident. It was probably a planned murder. But of course the plan failed." I said, heavily weighing the words.

"I wish it hadn't." I whispered.

"Don't you dare say something of that sort!" Dan shouted.

"I don't know.... I just can't take in all of this." I told him.

"You know that mom is-" Dan was cut off by the door of the ward slamming open.

"Lana! I wanted to talk to you about something." said a very disturbed looking Damien. Dan smiled.

"One thing that will never change is your friendship. I can be sure of that." Dan said.

"Yeah." Both Damien and I said together. Smiling.

"Dan can you excuse us for a while." Damien asked, looking serious again.

"Sure. Lana I am shifting my stuff. Mom opened your apartment." He said and walked out.

"What's wrong Damien?" I asked, concerned about my best friend.

He came in closer and sat down.

"It's suspected that your accident was not just an accident. It was attempt of murder." I nodded to that.

"The thing is. To the police it's an assumption, but you know I have connections because I'm in a-" I cut him off.

"Yeah I know. So?"

"My enemies have found out about you. And coincedently they are in this very town. You probably do not know the Oberains but they run-"
I cut him off again.

"Wait as in The Oberain's?" He nodded.

"I do know them. Maia Oberain is my friend." I said, confused where this was heading.

"Well. They head the enemy gang Vendetta. And you are their target. Why? Because they know about your parents." He said.

"What about my parents?" I asked.

"That they are heading-"

And then I heard the first gunshot.

Loads of love,

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