chapter || 09

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• Δ | Chapter Nine ;; regret later

< Levi's P.O.V >


Hannah looked at me closely, silently nodding to the vague acknowledgement I had given her.

'What the hell are you doing here?' I shouted, inner rage surfacing. It was too loud to understand anything and even my ears were buzzing as my whole body hummed with rage.

For five years she had been gone without telling anyone anything about where she was going or what she was doing. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. What hurt the most was that she didn't even tell me. I spent years looking for her, trying to get to know where she could have gone, how she must be living her life, why she would just leave.

And now, when I was finally okay, she suddenly shows up and tries to talk to me?

My past self would have accepted that, he would have hugged her and kissed her and told her how much he missed her. But not now. I was different. I had changed.

'I know you are angry Lev, but just let me explain.' She said, pleading me with her eyes.

The same eyes that I once used to love.

I straightened myself further more, my tall form slightly intimidating her as she backed off.

I glared at her.

'You lost that opportunity the time you left without telling me anything.'
I stated coldly.

Her expression dropped. She looked crestfallen. For a second, I actually thought she was being genuine.

Don't trust her. Not again Levi.

'Lev just listen to m-' She tried.

'There is nothing to listen to, Hannah. Don't try to explain things which don't require explanations. In the years you were gone, I have found closure, don't take that away from me. Just let it be.' I said and walked out of the room, leaving her frozen to the spot.

My thoughts ran wild in my head as I walked back to the place I was previously sitting at, completely discarding the thought of getting some fresh air.

I wanted to forget. I wanted to forget her face. I wanted to forget that Lana was hurt. I wanted to forget that I desired someone who wouldn't want me like that.

Wanting to forget everything for sometime, I drowned drink after drink down my throat. My vision was slightly blurred, my balance slowly slipping away. And that was when I moved to the dance floor.

I knew that I shouldn't be doing this. I knew this was far from sensible and far from the person that I was but I went to the one person who I should not have crossed paths with, specially when drunk.

My body staggered towards her, cutting through the crowd to get to her. I knew this was impulsive, but I couldn't stop myself. My heart lead me to her while my brain protested to turn round and forget about any of this.

But I continued. If it was courage that I needed to finally talk to her, then so be it. I was feeling the rush of adrenaline and my pulse quickened when I saw that Blake was no more there with her. She was dancing with Lizzie alone.

Reaching her I tapped her shoulder.

'Hey angel.' I said, my voice rough and a slow smirk growing on my face.

She turned towards me and was still for some seconds.

I enjoyed her slight discomfort under my heated gaze and continued.

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