chapter || 08

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•Δ| Chapter Eight ;; lost again

< Levi's P.O.V >


As my eyes registered the scene enfolding in front of me, I felt Lana stiffen. My hand slipped away from her back and fell to my side as I absorbed the scene.

Several profanities bubbled out of Lana's mouth as she stood there, just as shocked as me, both of us still not making a move to go ahead and stop whatever was happening in front of us as we still tried to process it.

The party was in full swing, the house dimly lit to hide the unacceptable behavior of every teenager that was under this roof. The house buzzed with loud music. I could recognize Mic drop by BTS playing in the background. But what was shocking was the show put on by the unsuitable pair right in the middle of the house.

The white circular sofa that was situated in the centre of the large lobby was now a sinful ground for two people.

Sarah Cecelia Williams and Sam Claffin.

I watched as Sarah kissed Sam passionately. From afar, it looked like she was trying to go down on him and it didn't look like she was going to stop till she achieved what she wanted.

I knew for a fact that she would regret this in the morning.

I watched as several people recorded the most unlikely event unraveling infront of us. But I felt hesitant.

From this distance, I wasn't sure who I had to pull away from who. While Sarah looked highly comfortable stranding Sam's lap, Sam looked at unease. Like he would be anywhere but there, kissing her.

'She is going to regret this.' Lana said, her eyes still glued to the heated make out session.

'Yeah. She is never going to drink again.' I said back, still looking at Sarah.

'I think we should do something.' Lana said but didn't make an effort to move. 'Shit! I never thought Sarah was a wild drunk.' She said, amused and I chuckled. That was true. Sarah barely got drunk during parties. Usually she didn't need to intoxicate herself to do regretable things but from the looks of it, Sarah was pretty drunk today.

We both watched as Sarah's hand reached hand down to the hem of her blouse and Sam's hand came down on her's to stop her from removing her clothes. He seemed to be out of breath but Sarah wasn't ready to leave him yet.

Both Lana and I looked at each other and rushed forward. Lana grabbed Sarah's hands and I grabbed her waist as we pulled her away from Sam.

A look of relief consumed Sam's face as he looked at Lana. He looked flushed when he gave her a curt nod and walked away. The way Sam ran away, I was sure he wouldn't hit on a girl for a day or two now.

Both Lana and I took Sarah towards the sitting area. She protested as we guided her through the crowd. People were smirking our way, probably amused by this side of the usually composed Sarah.

As soon as Lana let her go, Sarah let out an inhuman grunt.

'Why did you do that!' She whined.

Lana and I looked at each other once again. Sarah was beyond drunk.

'Uh, Sarah, you are not going to like this tomorrow morning.' I said softly to her. She whipped her face towards me and glared at me.

'Well, at least I was having fun. Unlike the two of you.' She snarled. Directing her face away from me,  she looked at Lana and her eyes softened.

She reached forward and held her hand.

'Get over this boy Lana, he is hopeless. Come on. Let's go have some fun alone.' She said, throwing a glare my way and started dragging Lana away from me.

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