Just talking

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( this chapter is going to be a long ass convo between J and Marlon) Jorden P.O.V
I woke up to feel Marlon cute ass laying like directly on top of me. Was she scared I was gonna escape?
I tried to get up but she wouldn't let me so I just gave up. I started at her face for a minute admiring her beauty. She was dark skin, high cheek bones, full lips with the little cute bow or whatever on top, her nose is  structured, her eyes are big, her eyebrows have a natural arch and are not all the way full. Her hair was all over the place from last night. She didn't have wide hips or a fatass or big tits. She had smaller curves, she had a slim waist with a small ass. Her skin wasn't perfect as you would assume, she had scars some old some fairly new, cuts on her wrist and inner thigh. She had hair that was barely visible due to her complexion. Her skin had blemish. Also her hair was uneven.
Not one part of her was unattractive to me. She was beautiful. But before we get father along in this relationship, there is something I need to tell her. " fuck ," I mentally curse myself as I thought how she would react. Maybe she'll like it or even stay with me . I doubt it though. " why you staring at me?" I hear I rough voice cough out. My eyes look up to see Marlon. " no reason," I quickly spat out as I removed her off me gently to go into the bathroom. " how has she haven't noticed?" I said to myself. Like it's pretty fucking obvious. " who are you talking to?" Marlon said as she adjusted her self in the bed. " nobody," I spoke quickly. I went in the shower and did my hygiene and everything.
Marlon P.O.V
What's wrong with bae. She been moving weirdly since we woke up. Like I know we just woke up but like still. I wonder if it has anything to do with last night. I mean like I had a good ass time but did she? Is she mad I didn't ask her if I could give her head? Did I taste good enough for her? My thought were cut short by a dripping wet Jorden. All she had on was a sports bra and towel and damn, is all I could say. She looks at me then grabs what she needs to back into the bath room to get dressed. " we gotta talk," she mumble to her self as she walked back out in a sports bra and sweats. " did I do something wrong?" I ask curiosity.
J- no this is All me
M- is it something like very important? Or can it wait until we eat? ( my fatass always thinking about food)
J- it'll be best if I tell you now, I mean like if you don't wanna be with me afterwards I'll get you an apartment and pay all the bill until you get an job and e- ( she rants off)
M- your getting me nervous, can you just tell me
J- ( she dropped down on her knees) please don't leave me
M- can you please just tell me
J- I have a dick
M- like a strap on I know
J- no I was devolved wrong, I'm an intersexual
M- really ?
J- yeah
M- prove it
J- are you sure you wanna see
M- yes daddy I do
J- ( pulls down her pant to show, well you know a stick and some balls) do you still wanna be with me?
M- how muck people know?( I ask ignoring her question)
J- nobody except my sister
M- only her?
J- yes I promise
M- can your cum get me pregnant
J- yes
M- ok, give me time to process this
J- ( looks down) ok
Ok so I do have very deep feeling for Jorden. I do wanna be with j but I'm scared. I'm mean like she excepted me. Jorden's sweet and kind and eyes light up when she's happy. What if the world finds out she got a dick. Boys from all over wouldn't leave me alone, so this reputation I've worked so hard to build ( which most people choose to disrespect me anyways) will be torn down. But a part of me think J is worth it. For all I could remember all she did was try to see the best in me and protect me . She made me laugh in my worst moments. She even peed her pants for me one time but that another story. She literally adores me even when I cant see it in me. She is definitely worth it and I know for a fact that many girls want her but I know she only wants me. I want J penis or not.
" Jorden ," I scream so she could know I've made up my mind. " yes queen," she spoke running up the stairs. She came directly to the door and peeked in and said, " have you made your decision?" She asked nervously. " yeah, I don't want you J your a fucking creep," I spoke bluntly with no emotion. Her eyes darken and she comes closer to me and whisper " that's how you feel?" She spoke a lil too calm. I nod slowly before being attacked. She pinned me down on the bed as she kissed me roughly rubbing her hard member on me being as she is over me in between my legs. " fuck," I moan out. " J what are you doing," I ask as I feel one of her hand that were holding me down slip up my stomach up until she stops her motion completely backing off of me. " I'm sorry queen, I'll help you pack," she said with her head down in embarrassment. I walk up to her and grab her hardness through her sweats and and talk my other hand to gently pick her head up so our eyes can meet, " I'm just joking daddy, I want you no matter what," I spoke out truthfully. She quickly smirk and regains her composure. " so you gone let me have you or nah ma?"
" nah," I replied to her question to see a frown on her face. " it was worth a try," she spoke before leaving. Is she mad or  nah? I got up and did my hygiene and stuff. Cleaned my vagina and shit, ya know? I went downstairs to see a a plate of food with egg, bacon, and some fruits with a note saying " I went to work, I'll be back at 3 text me if you anything,"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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