Chapter 4 (Missed The Heart)

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"Come on," I demanded, pulling Jeremiah roughly by the arm as he tried to wander away. "I can't believe Chambers is making me do this. I mean, how could he be more powerful than me anyway?" I complained, Jeremiah wandering behind me again.

"If you don't want to deal with this, then why don't you just leave me alone?" He spoke as though he was out of breath when trying to keep up with my pace.

"Hey, if I'm forced to fall in love, I'm not going to watch my brother go scot-free," I smirked playfully, Jeremiah getting angrier by the second. I could see the flames in almost a pool in his pupils, slowly making their way to the full pupil. "Anybody ever tell you, you are a hot head?"

"I've never wigged out like this until all of you got involved in my life. And after hearing Satan's plans to destroy us, I don't want any part of this life. I don't kill, period. Not even if they're bad people, it's not in my hands."

"You're so pure it makes me regret ever laying my eyes on you," I mumbled, my gaze falling on the girl. She had straight, silky black hair, followed by beautiful crystal blue eyes. I could feel it: she was a Chosen One. "That my friend is your eternal baggage."

I looked to Jeremiah who was literally almost drooling over her appearance. She was dressed a bit trashy, but that didn't seem to bother him a bit. She wore a lot of jewelry, and looked a bit like an emo. But, if I was still interested in getting around, she was fuckable. She looked like a one-night standard. I used them for sex, and they used me.

I pretended to wipe drool from Jeremiah's mouth, to which he swatted me away with a glare. I simply grinned at his reaction.

"Should we kidnap her or stalk her? See where her life leads her."

"Why are those the only two options?" Jeremiah spoke frantically. God, he was an anxiety-filled mess.

"Because I'm in charge. Looks like Chambers should have done this himself if he wanted things to go smoothly."

Katherine Warren

"What the fuck were you doing?" Ethan's voice grew horse as he yanked me as though to teach me a lesson. I could see it in his eyes; he was pissed. But as my fear grew, so did my anger.

"I was looking for Alex, Ethan. You know, the friend I had to leave behind for your sorry ass?" I yelled in return.

"The sorry-ass you slept with? The sorry-ass that you have feelings for? Oh yeah, I'm sorry I forgot what a disappointment I am!" He towered over me, his screaming making me flinch with each sentence. He quickly looked guilty afterwards.

He suddenly lifted me up into some sort of straddled hug for me to reach his height. I simply leaned the side of my head to his, taking in a whiff of his scent. But my subconscious was screaming at me, telling me that this contact was too close. Too intimate.

"I'm sorry. For scaring you, for doing what I've done. Please let me make up for it." I teared up at the emotional moment even with such meaningless words, surely keeping my face where it was before he saw the tears. I tried to resist, my common-sense creating friction with my emotions.

I finally threw my arms around him, laughing slightly hysterical, my body covering for my crying. He felt so warm and safe that I never wanted to let go. It brought back memories of the night we slept together, which was probably the most amazing thing I've ever felt in my life. And I kept telling myself that it could never happen again, but I wanted it to. He's everything I've always wanted, and I threw him aside like trash. He didn't deserve that.

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