Mileven- Little Do You Know

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enjoy this. im warning you, please do ;))


little do you know, how i'm breaking while you fall asleep.

How could no one love her? Her chestnut brown hair was cascading down her chin that delicately grazed her shoulder. Her eyes were a deep, but light hazelnut brown that had pecks of gold that shone. Her little button nose, her soft, plump lips. Everything about her is something that only a goddess could possess, and she probably is. 

And he lost her. He lost her because of that stupid creature that took her away. 

And every night, he breaks down, he feels the pain that hits him over and over again. And it never stops pounding. It never stops making him feel like he will never rise up again. Because that's what happens, when you lose the most important person in your life.

little do you know, im still haunted by the memory.

He can't sleep. He can't stop thinking about her beautiful face, and how her lips felt so right on his. He misses her dearly. And every night, the memory of her disappearing, haunts him. And he wishes for nothing more, than to just hold her one more time, tell her how much he loves her. 

little do you know i'm trying to pick myself up piece, by piece.

He tries. He tries to continue on with his life. He drags himself to school. He does his homework, tries to eat. But he can't. Everything seemed to remind him of her. Like how the fort that stood in the basement seemed to always speak to him. Like how the answer to every problem the teachers ask him is 11. It always comes back to her. 

little do you know i, i will love you, till the sun dies.

That, that was 10 years ago. He's not a child anymore. He's an adult, who is succesful, and still waiting. 

He misses her so much. And a day doesnt go by without him yearning, pining for her. A second doesn't go by that he misses her warm cuddles. 

He misses her. He still loves her. And he always will.


this is so bad eek but i have to hurry because i need to leave for a roadtrip really early tommorow so im rushing!! anyways the very 'iconic' ending comiiiingg....NOW!

-lily xo

Mileven/ Fillie One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें