Mileven- Labour

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Heyy! So yeah i lied. Im not going to be doing the fillie one first haha. Mileven first my friends!!
Dedicated to: mileven_fillie011
I love ya ally 💜

The day has come. Eleven was finally going to have her first child.

A daughter.

She and her husband, agreed that El would choose her first name, and Mike would choose her middle name.

Now, usually, the mother would be in pain, screaming, and sweating like crazy, but hey! Strange things happen (*badum pshhh*)

El laid down on the bed, watching the doctors and nurses rushing around. The doctor in front of her was telling her to push one more time.

She was exhusted of course. Beads of sweat shone on her pale forehead, and a few baby hairs were sticking on her sweaty, yet soft skin. However, she didnt find this too painful. Because sadly, she faced pain way worse than this.

She pushes with her leftover strength and finally, and her eyelids flutter close and her hands drop to her, now, flat stomach.

There was a moment of silence, which El took advantige of, and used the time to slowly catch her breath. After a few seconds, a sharp cry pierced the quiet atmosphere.

Her eyes flutter open and her eyes slowly welled up with tears of happines, and joy.

"Hey Mrs Wheeler! Here's your daughter." the kind nurse said gently and handed the small little girl to the perspiring woman.

El reaches out to hold the crying little baby girl and stroke her soft, baby skin, causing the girl to relax, in the hands, and comfort of her mother.

El's own brown eyes tears up.

She looks beautiful.

The door opens and Mike rushes to El.

"El! Thank-" he gets cut off when his gaze lands on the tiny, little girl, who was now sucking her little, tiny fingers.

They both say nothing, still admiring the extremely adorable, little baby.

She had her mother's eyes. Big, hazel brown, and laced with long, black eyelashes, that brushed her pale, soft, baby skin.

She definitely had her father's hair. She had curly, black, glossy curls, that were evident even though, they were still very short.

She had El's button nose. It was slightly scrunched up while El rocked the girl.

She definitely had Mike's skin. It was very pale, but her cheeks were dusted with little pecks of freckles, that looked like stars, decorating the galaxy.

Her lips though, were a mix of both. Her lips were soft, plump, and a mix of pastel pink, and rose red.

"El." Mike whispered, his voice quivering slightly, emotions overcoming the boy.

"She's so so pretty." she whispered.

Mike nodded and kisses his wife, his soft lips brushing against hers at first, but finally captures her lips between his. He pulls away after a minute.

"Just like you." he breathes out, wrapping his long, arms around the two girls.

The little baby slowly drifts to sleep, feeling completely comforted, in the arms of her new, loving parents.

"So, what's her name El?" Mike said gently, lacing his fingers around her wife's.

Her nose scrunches up in deep thought, and a name pushes the others away. She thought it suited her well.

She gazes at her daughter and smiles.


Mike smiles lovingly and nod.

"Leslie." he kisses El.

Eleven laughs and and kiss her daughter, who was now napping.

"Allison Leslie Wheeler." she breathes out.

"It's perfect."


Dod you like it dods? (ehem athena wannabes ehem)

I was so emotional while writing this and idk but my mileven depression is extra strong today.

Also, am i getting better at writing?

Anddd, i just wanna say a special thanks to my bffs! You keep me going every day and i love you lots!

Thats all! Hope you like this and see ya on my next one shot ❤

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