Fillie- Goodbye

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Millie finally walks through the sliding doors, relieved she made it to a safe place, where the paparazzi was away, and the quiet, relaxing atmosphere filled the air. The filming of Season Three was finished, and while she was happy that she could rest for a while, she was sad that she had to leave her second family. A frown was present in her face while she blinked back the tears that blurred her vision. 

"MILLS!!" the redhead yelled, running into Millie's arms. She hugged her tightly, burying her face into her shoulders, some tears spilling out her icy clue eyes. 

"I'm gonna miss you..." she whimpered sadly. Millie shook her head, the tears rolling down her face like a waterfall.  

"I'll miss you too..." she whispered sadly. They soon let go, when they saw the rest of the cast run over to them. Their eyes had tears in them as they hugged each other tightly, whimpers and sobs escaping their mouths once in a while.

"I'm really gonna miss you Shnipper..." she hugged the, now taller boy, some tears landing on his shoulder. He just shook his head slowly.

"Don't make me cry harder Mills..." he chuckled, resting his forehead on the top of her head, her hair getting damp from the tears he shed. They pulled away smiling sadly, Millie waving goodbye as he dragged his luggage to proceed to the gate.

Gaten practically attacks Millie with hugs and tears, making her sob harder.  They exchanged their goodbyes, and promises to always call and text. Next was Caleb, who let a small tear drop from his eye while he hugged the girl, who has grown to be a sister to him. He then walked to Sadie, who was already crying. 

"Caleb..." she sobbed, throwing her arms around his neck, nuzzling her head into his shoulder. They exchange 'I love you's' and 'goodbyes' sadly, Caleb soon locking lips with the fire haired girl, who had crystal blue eyes that he has loved since the very beginning. He soon had to let go of her lips, and unlock their locked fingers. 

Finn had already said his goodbyes to all, except the short haired girl, who stole his heart from the moment his eyes landed on her. He pull her to his chest and cries into her brunette hair.

"I'll miss you Mills. A lot." he kissed her hair, trailing down to her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, and finally, to her pink lips. 

"I love you." she whispered, her lips still moving with his. She lets go when her gate was called, and hugged the tall boy one last time. They seperated, the tears still rolling down their faces, and turn back, thinking of the next time they'll see each other.


very short but i hope you liked it! next one? mileven <3

Mileven/ Fillie One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora