Mileven- You are my sunshine

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Inspired by: the song that never gets old and probably one of my favourites 💓
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried

Mike Wheeler, a ghost of who he used to be. A boy, who's heart got broken, at an age where boys like him don't usually know what love truly is. To say he was a rare and special gentleman is an understatement.

He used to have her. He used to have her in his loving arms, soothing her when she felt terrified. Kissing her when she felt depressed.

But not anymore.

Ever since...that night. That night she disappeared.

He's never felt good. He's never felt satisfied. He's never felt happy. Every night, he sees the scene eplay in his head. He sees her.  The love of his life, leaving. Sometimes, he dreams of the times, where she was in between his arms, giggling at a cheesy joke he made. And every night, when he wakes up, realizing it's not real, realizing shes gone, he cries. Because there's nothing else to do.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

He's hers. Mike, is El's. No one, no one could change that. He makes her the happiest, and even if she doesnt know all the words to say, how to fully  express her emotions, it's there. Bubbling inside her body, threatning to burst, like an active volcano. Ready to overflow, like wine after you uncork the bottle.

She's stuck. She's in a dark place. A cold place. A horrifying place. A place where she sees no light, a place where her sunshine is gone.

No. She's not talking about the sun we know. She's not talking about the ball of fire in space, no. She's talking about her sunshine. The light that shines in her darkest night. Him. The curly haired boy, who never cease to impress her, from his knowledge of math and astronomy, to his undying love for the telekenitic girl.

She makes her so happy. So so happy. To the point where she can dance in the rain, without caring, as long as he's there with her.

She get frustrated sometimes. On why, why cant she get the words. Why cant she grasp the words needed to express her feelings. She loves him so much. So so much that she would do ANYTHING. If it means to protect him.
And every night she prays, hopes,
"Please bring me back to him. And dont take my sunshine, away.
I cant decide what this is 😂

Is it emotional? Is it happy? Idk

Anywayss hi! I hope you enjoy this one shot! I love this song so i decided to put some of the lyrics that i think fits mileven pretty well into it!

Anyyyyways bye loves and enjoyy 😘

-Lily 💜

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