Fillie- Say you won't let go

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yep. The title is right! ITS FILLIE FOR ONCE! i just wanted to provide your fillie needs, and i can feel myself slowly making this a mileven book so yeah 😂 i really am debating if i should make this a mileven one shot book but i need your opinion! Comment on the following.

Yes! You should make it into a mileven book.

NO! Keep the fillie!

Make sure you voted! 😘😘 enjoy! 💓


I met you in the dark. You lit me up. You made me feel as if, I was enough.

Millie remebers how she met Finn. It's as clear as glass in her head. It's as if it only happened yesterday.

She remembers walking in the room, her long brown hair that had a tint of blonde at the tips of her loose curls. Her eyes, brown as chocolate, were wide with nervousness. She sat on the leather couch, sinking a bit and her small palms started to shake, her nerves getting the best of her.

She looked beside her to see a small little boy, who had ebony, curly hair, and highly defined cheekbones that suited him just right. His legs were bouncing up and down and his face, which was dusted with little freckles, were arranged in a nervous expression.

"Hey!" she whispered, her tiny, british voice slightly startled the boy who was lost in his thoughts.

"Hi." he whispered, he too was shy, and often kept to himself.

"I'm Millie. I'm auditioning for the role Eleven. What about you?" she asked, curious.

He smiled, the tiniest bit and answered, his voice getting a tad louder.

"Im Finn. I'm auditioning for Mike."

Thats how it began. Thats how their friendship blossomed from being strangers, to the closest of friends. Picking each other up, encouraging each other, when they felt like giving it all up.

I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know. Cause' I played it cool when I was scared of letting go.

He first realized his feeling for the, now short haired girl, when he first kissed her, for the show.

He remember the feelings that bursted in his chest. And it might be cliché to say so, but he did feel as if butterflies were flying in his stomach, and his heart was beating so fast, he didnt think it was possible.

Over time, his feelings grew, and he also knew people weren't oblivious to that fact. He knew people were starting to suspect.

There were many times when he planned on how to say it. It's easy. Just say it. But it really isn't. He couldn't. To him, the price of rejection was too much to pay. And so he didnt. And he played it cool around her, when really, all he wanted was to say it to her, right there and then,

I love you.

But he didnt.

He was too scared. Too scared that she would reject him. And terrified, that if she did, the friendship that was precious to him, would be lost forever.

I know I needed you. But I never showed, and I wanna stay with you, until we're grey and old.

Probably the hardest thing about not telling the beautiful girl, was the longing. The pulling in his chest that insisted to pull her close to him. To feel the beautiful sensation of his soft, long fingers grazing her soft cheeks softly.

He knew he needed her. She was like a drug to him. And he got addicted. On how his silky smooth, brown, wavy hair always was beautiful. Messy or not. The way her big brown eyes always shone with love and admiration, when she saw a fan, or when she sees her family. Her beautiful, big heart of gold, always was there, no matter what. Even with her haters, which she insisted helps her, because it helps her to stay strong, and she has proof that she conquered the hate in this world, and will continue to encourage people to do the same.

It was clear that he wanted her. Only her. He wants her. And he wishes to have her for eternity, until their grey and old, even until they're in heaven.

Only her.

Millie Bobby Brown.

I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

The night he finally gathered all the courage in his body, he confessed to her.

"Millie." he says in a serious tone, which brought the giggling girl's laughter to stop.

"Finn." she says, raising an eyebrow.

Finn carresed her soft cheeks and it became tainted with pink.

"I love you." he finally said.

He finally did it. After all these years, holding back the feeling, and words he so badly wanted declare to the whole universe, he finally said it.

Millie's eyes shone with tears and her pupils became delated, looking at the beautiful boy in awe.

He leaned in, closing the small gap that existed, and when their lips met, he finally felt complete.

He wanted to take a picture, or something to remember this. And he promised himself to always remember this night. The way she kissed back with as much love and passion as he did. The way he pulled away, his dark brown eyes filled with so much love and admiration for the girl in front of him.

She smiled, her imperfectly perfect teeth showing a bit.

"I love you too. So much." she breathed out, pulling his neck, closing the gap between them once more. His lips went so perfectly between hers. Their like one piece, and it's like it was meant to be that way. His hands slither to the curve of her waist, holding her petite body closer to his, and her fingers tangled on his messy, curls that shes always wanted to touch.

After that night, they're never in one place where they're with each other. Never letting go of her hand, which seemed to be perfect in his. It was meant to be this way, and he's never been happier.

Sometimes, he lays in bed, her legs tangled with his, her head resting in his chest, and her arms around his waist, clinging to him as if she'll die of they become seperated. He imagined what their future would be like.

How he'll serve her with some breakfast in bed, her favourite, eggs omellete with some bacon and pancakes, along with orange juice. He'll bring her coffee with a kiss on her head.

He wondered if they'll have kids. He wanted to have a daughter, maybe a son too. They would look absolutely beautiful of course, and if she wants to, he'll bring them to school, and wave them goodbye.

He smiled. He was so thankful to have her. The most beautiful girl in the world, in his arms, her breathing was heavy, signalling she was asleep, with dreams of her own.

They're in love, and they wont let go of each other any time soon.


DID YA LIKE IT? I think I do? Haha! I hope you guys have some fun reading this and maybe shed a few tears 😂 anyyyyways i really love this song so i decided to use it! This is really long! Over a thousand and two hundred words! WHoah! Anyways, if you didnt already, vote if you want me to turn this into a mileven book or to keep the fillie!

Love ya and 😘

- Lily ♥️

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