Lumax- Mine

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Coming home from school can be the best feeling ever. But sometimes its the worst. Billy did listen and stayed away. But the people in school didnt. I fight back. But Im still human. I still have feelings. And i even wonder sometimes. Am i really a worthless ugly "ginger"? I skate home and lock myself in my bedroom. I throw myself on the bed and sob. I must be. I sob and sob the feeling in my chest growing.
I scream.
Im outraged.
Im so freaking mad.
Im not supposed to feel this way.
But I can't. I can't stop crying and feeling so empty. I continue banging my bed until the window opens. I ignore it and bury my face on my hands.
Hopefully its a kidnapper...
Somebody wraps their arms around me and i lift my head.
"Max? Whats wrong?" Lucas whispers.
My tears keep going and I bury my face on his chest.
"Im sorry. I shouldn't be crying. Im supposed to be tough. Im supposed to... I dont even know." I cry.
"Max. It's okay! What happened." he said patiently.
"People...they bullied me and-" I break out crying again. The empty feeling in my chest growing.
Lucas lifts my head and kisses me. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I become weak. I kiss back and he pulls away.
"Max. Whatever happens. Whatever they say, don't listen. You are the most beautiful human being ever and mine. You're mine. Okay?"
I smile and hug him.
Dedicated to: Lumax_mileven_st
Hope ya'll like this 💘

Mileven/ Fillie One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora