Q and A

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here it is! 


Sharpay or Gabriella?

this is pretty easy, S H A R P A Y


Would you rather being stuck in the Upside Down or being possesed by the Mind Flayer?

 hm... stuck in the upside down. if i get possesed, lots of people would get hurt and who knows what i would do?? even our pure will did some terrible things because of the stupid shadow monster.


Where would you like to travel and how old are you?

I would like to travel to America and England. ;) and im 12 years old. i know im a wittle baby haha but writing is my hobby so...


Who is your favourite character in ST and in IT?

this is hard...in ST of course Max, in IT though...probably Richie and Beverly ;)


Favorite character in st and why? Favorite friendship in st and why? Favorite ship in st and why?

Max, because she is so brave to stand against her brother who abuses her. She's just so badass too really, and sarcastic but actually has a very soft side. Favourite friendship, hm...byler. They have such a good friendship. But if Elmax hapens of course elmax is no. 1. elmax is a friendship that needs to happen. Favourite ship...Mileven (duh) and Lumax (duh). I ship them equally (which is VERY high) and I just write more mileven, because lumax is pretty hard for me to write, but im working on it haha.


Shane Dawson or Emma chamberlain? Sorry o had to murder you with this question 😂

first of all, KATIE WHY?? second, of course my Queen Emma! She litteraly rules my life.


Favourite song?

hm. it changes a lot, but rn it's sonora, by spendtime palace, and watch by billie eilish ;)


anddd thats all for now <3 thank you all for the questions! 

-lily xo

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