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"What is going on?" Jess asked and few seconds later we found out what was happening. Tim quickly grabbed onto Jade and kissed her deeply. Jade locked her hands behind his neck and literally breathed in from Tim. 

Damon growled and Tristan held out an arm, stopping Damon. We watched as a purplish glow shielded Jade and Tim from us. A literal glow. Azrail winced slightly at the colour. Obviously the colour didn't mean anything related to death.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I said, the answer coming to me fast. Tim was the alpha of purity and the fücking idiot, lost his virginity to Jade and the only way he could survive was to have sex with her. Idiot!

Tim and Jade snapped their heads to me, as with the other alphas. The sheepish look had transferred from Jade to Tim and everyone just had confused looks on their faces. 

"The idiot lost his virginity to Jade." I slapped my forehead and the other alphas groaned in annoyance. 

"Dude, I'd rather you die than have sex with my mate." Damon said bluntly.

"Thanks." Tim said

"No problem." Damon replied with a smirk

"Chill out." Jade flicked her hand at us and held out a finger for us to wait a minute or whatever. She quickly crossed her fingers in front of her and lay them across her stomach before placing her fingers on Tim's chest. "Breathe out." she murmured quietly

He complied and breathed out long and hard. She opened her mouth and his breath basically traveled straight to her. Her eyes flashed purple and she staggered slightly, before Tim grabbed her arm, stabilising her. 

"Ok." she stood shakily on her feet and shook her head to clear it. "So basically I might of been drunk and completely high, when I slept with him." the sheepish look made it's way back onto her face and Tim just scratched his neck slightly.

"Why didn't you stop her like any of the other women who've tried to do that?" I asked Tim

"You have not seen her." he defended and Jade nodded in agreement.

"Great so my best friend slept with my mate, before I did." Damon muttered

"Don't be mad at Tim. It wasn't his fault." Jade said softly. "I mean it wasn't my fault either, I just thought I was getting with a random." 

"That doesn't help this situation at all." Damon told her. She looked like a child that just got told off, it was kind of adorable. 

"How does Tim vent his power, if you two aren't having sex?" Ray asked

"We've only slept together twice. Once a month, we have to do that." she waved her hand about, most likely reminding us about the little make out session they had. "Sex just amplifies the power and it was too much for me, so Ana takes the power and basically stores it." she explained

"So you don't have to sleep together to stabilise him?" Damon asked slowly

"No." she agreed, "And we're still working out on how we can transferring power without making out." 

"When did this happen?" I asked moving my hand between them

"How are we supposed to know?" she looked at me like I was crazy, "It's not like I'm some crazy psycho bïtch that notes down every single time she had sex. That would literally take up a thousand books." 

"A thousand?" Tristan choked on his water

"I got around." she batted her lashes seductively and he choked again

"You're seventeen!" he said

"I had like three years to get around. It's not that hard." she smiled, "I would tell you to try that sometime but trust me you could probably fill up a few hundred books on your pretty mate over there." he choked on his water again. Kat had been sending slight death glares Jade's way, but now she sent Jade a wink. 

THE AFTERMATH  ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant