i n t i m i d a t i o n ( 威吓 )

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If you told me seven months ago that I would fall in love with Eric Park, I would laugh. I would shake my head, say you were delusional, then walk away chuckling. Just the mere idea of looking at him scared me, let alone falling in love with him. 

You see, before the events that led up to this moment, Eric Park terrified me

He was the personification of intimidation. 

// 7 개월 전에 | 7 months ago //

"Hottie McScotty approaching." KT nudges me. 

I glance at her, "Shut up." I smile. Before long, Scott McDubrey places his tray down and sits across from me. He runs a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"Rebecca gave me an extra French toast stick today." Scott smiled brightly. It's French toast Friday. Our favorite day of the week.

"Rebecca?" I echo.

He nods over to the lunch line, "The lunch lady."

"Popular with all the ladies." KT chuckles. 

"Duh." Scott opens his syrup cup and dunks in a French toast stick.

"Oh hey! Did you do the homework for astronomy?" KT asks me. Before I can answer, a laugh comes from Scott. 

"Bai? Do homework?" He scoffs and takes another bite out of the French toast.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I narrow my eyes.

"Nothing, nothing." He shakes his head.

"No, no, no," I snatch the French toast from his hand. "What is that supposed to mean?" I point the French toast at him.

"I don't know why you're getting all defensive," he snatches it back. "You don't do your homework and you know it." 

"I'm getting defensive because I've actually been trying lately, you know that." I cross my arms.

"Bai, honey, it's only been three days." He raises a brow.

"But have you done my homework at all during those three days? Have I asked you for help at all?" I pull the tray from him and take a French toast.

"Not yet." He winks. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"You mean: not ever." 

"Homework! Anyone!" KT waves the sheet of paper in between us.

I fish the completed homework out of my bag and hand it to her, and she begins copying immediately.

"Are you sure you didn't copy the homework yourself?" Scott mumbles. I shoot him a glare and he chuckles.

"Almost..." KT mutters. "Done!" She sits up quickly, her long blonde hair slapping my shoulder. She slides my homework towards me and throws her pencil into her backpack.

The bell rings, signaling the start of our last period. "Just on time, too." Scott nods.

I grab my homework off the table, along with the last french toast stick from Scott's tray. He doesn't mind, and tosses the empty tray into the garbage can.

"I forgot to do the back side." KT groans as we begin walking to our Astronomy class.

"Sucks to suck." Scott laughs, and KT shoves him. I finish off the last of the french toast stick just before we walk in.

Mr. Matthews is hovering over his macbook, where he usually is before class officially starts. I pass the skinny, balding man on my way to my seat. Scott, KT, and I were separated on purpose. I now sit in the back, at the only empty table.

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