Chapter 24: Silent Night (Part 1/2)

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"Hi, I'm Star," Star sat up. "I'm not alone, Mr. Kite. My big sister is next to me, watching out for me to protect me while I was asleep."

"Sister?" Kite said. "I don't see anyone out here with're by yourself. Unless you mean--"

Star then turned around. She gasped. "Oh no! Where's my sister Night!? She's gone! What happened? She would never leave me here alone."

"Night is your sister!?" Kite wondered if Star was talking about the same Night-girl he knew. "Night Lights?"

"Yes! She is!" Star said. "Do you know her?"

"Yes, I do." Kite said. "But there's no time for me to explain, let's go find your sister." He took Star's hand and started running. "I have a feeling that something bad must of happened to her."

"We're coming, Night!" Said Star.


"There she is!" Star pointed to a red-haired boy that was carrying Night. "Oh no, he's taking her away!"

"I'll handle this," Kite then put Star on top of his back to give her a piggy-back ride. "Star, hold on very tight to my neck. And whatever you do, don't let go."

"Okay, Mr. Kite." Star said.

Kite put on his duel gazer, calling Orbital. "Orbital, please get here. I found Night and I could use your help to save her. Right now, I'm sending you my coordinates."

"A-alright M-Master K-Kite. I'll be on my w-WAY!" Orbital said. In three minutes, he found the exact coordinates. "I f-found you. Now what?" He found Kite and Star, and helped them travel faster by flying them into the air with his glider-form.

"Orbital, attack that boy that has Night. Make him your target." Kite ordered.

"R-right." Orbital targeted the boy and shot him with a rocket, knocking him down onto the ground. Night fell down from his grasp and Kite quickly picked up Night (as he was still flying into the air).


Kite set Night on top of the bench. He took the tape off of her mouth and he untied the rope that was around her legs. He then gently shook her. "Night...Night...please wake up--"

Night's eyes slowly started to open. "It's me, Ki--" For self-defense, Night immediately kicked Kite on his stomach. "Get away from me! You creep!"

Kite started coughing and he touched his stomach with his right hand, "Kite?" It took some seconds to realize that she had hit Kite. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She got up and started rubbing him on his back.

"Yay!" Star said. "You're okay, sister!" She hugged Night. "Star...what happened?" She then looked directly at Orbital and Kite. "Kite, Orbital...what are you two doing here?"

"Greetings, Miss Night." Orbital was being formal, so he bowed in front of Night. "Me and Master Kite came to your rescue."

"My rescue?" Night was confused. "I don't remember that well on what happened. The last thing I remember was that I was resting my eyes.." Her eyes widened as she started to remember. "Oh no...I must of fell asleep when I was watching you," She looked at Star. "I'm so sorry, Star. You could of been in danger if I wasn't watching over you." She protectively hugged Star.

"It's okay." Said Star. "Mr. Kite protected me. And I wasn't the one in danger, you were."

"Yeah, a boy with red hair was kidnapping you." Kite said. "Star noticed that you were missing and I helped her to get you back. And now, everything is good."

Night looked surprised. "Oh, I remember that now." She then looked at the robot and its master. "I can't believe you did that all for me." Night said. "Thank you, Kite and Orbital."

"Y-you...are m-most....welcome!" Orbital said.

"Now, I just have one question for the both of you." Kite said. "What are the two of you both doing here at this park all by yourselves?" He had a serious look in his eyes.

Night looked at Kite and back at Star, wondering if she should tell the truth to him or not. Star's eyes twinkled as she looked up at Night and nodded her head to her, a sign that she wanted her to tell him the truth. "Kite, I--" Night looked up at Kite. "I--AHHHHH!" She screamed in fear since she heard a loud lightning bolt struck a tree. She got scared, so without thinking, she hugged Kite like he was a teddy bear.
Night blushed, realizing that she was really close to Kite. "It's just that ever since you fired me from that babysitter job to take care of Hart. I haven't been able to find a better job." She said. "I have no more money to pay the rent to the apartment me and Star lived the landlord kicked us out." She frowned. "Now, Star and I have no where else to go. We don't have a home anymore, that's why we were at the park alone."

It then started to rain even more. "I'm so sorry for all of that." Kite hugged Night back to make her feel better. "You and Star can come live with me and Hart."

"Really?" Night said. "I don't know what to say--I--" She smiled at him. "Thank you so much."

"Now, let's get out of this rain." Kite said.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL: Heartland Academy [Yu-Gi-Oh Watty Awards 2019]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin