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Brennen still hasn't been in the best of state lately. Hope was all he was thinking about. Though he knew he had to find someone new before he wouldn't get over her and find someone new. So this party that Colby invited him to should help.

Brennens pov

While I was getting ready for the party that I know I was going to be late for, my phone started to ring.

I pick it up not caring who it was.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hey! Bro! Where are you the party just started!" I sigh in relief knowing it was Colby.

"I'm on my way right now. Sorry it was taking me forever to get ready."

"Ok well see you there!" Colby hung up. I shrug my shoulders. I walk out the door, grabbing my car keys before hand. I hop into my truck. Glad to be in this baby again.

The house was all pulled with cars and people still trying to park. I should have gotten here earlier. Me, I was wearing a Yellow shirt and a black jacket with black ripped jeans and sunglasses as an accessory. I walk into the house that was pilled with already drunk people. The party didn't even start that long ago. I walk in and I instantly see Colby talking to chicks. One chick he was talking to the most. I ain't gonna lie, she's cute I would get with her, but I don't disrespect my best friend like that. I walk up to the Mingling Colby. He looking like he hasn't even touched the alcohol yet.

I pat his shoulder, "Sure hitting it off with the ladies!"

He turns around and sees me behind him, 'Yo! Wassup how you doing?" I could tell he was still concerned about the 'Hope' situation.

"I'm all good still healing, but trying to pick up a girl tonight so I can get over her." The young girl buts in on mine and Colbys Conversation, "Oh she broke up with you? I'm sorry." She seemed sincere.

I was about to say something then Colbys started to speak, "No she's dead." Colby says like nothing ever happened like it was a joke. I was shocked.

"Oh how? Heart attack? Murder?" She looked so apologetic. Like she actually cared about me and about what happened in my life, she couldn't care less about Colby. She wanted to know more about me.

"Killed herself." I look down at the black vans I have been wearing.

"Oh I'm sorry! If you don't mind me asking when did this all happed?" She was do sad about the event that happened with me.

"Maybe almost a month ago? I'm not for sure. It's like really hard to talk about her." I sigh. I was still kinda sad about it. I mean I came here to get away from that.

"Oh I'm sorry. May I get a back story about you two like how you guys ment?" She just wanted to know everything didn't she?

"Well I ment her with Colby him and I were doing a video at the suicide bridge. When she came up to the bridge and was about to jump. I grabbed her off the fence. She was a huge fan of mine. She loved the content I would create. That night she was wearing one of my Brennen Hub pull overs. I took her with me to my house I let her stay there until she could get back in her feet." I smile just having the though of her in my brain yet again.

"Awe can't belive you saved her life. I don't think I have ever been that kind to someone." she smiled.

"Well I mean being a good person makes you a even better person." I sigh.

"Hey imma catch up with Colby so I hope to see you around." she smiles and walks off to the direction Colby was going to. I turn around and I see uncle Elton. Holy shit Elton you know how to scare people.

He hugs me, "I'm sorry about Hope. She was a lovely girl. We know she wanted to spend her life with you." Elton let's go and and smiles at me.

"Yea I know but Happy Mother fucking 28th birthday uncle Elton!" I yell. I got a couple stare but I didn't care (That kinda rymed) because I love my uncle Elton.
"Thanks Brennen! HAVE a fun time at the party!" He smiles and walks away.

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