Coming home

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Brennens pov

"Can I know your name because it seems that you know mine.." I ask the girl in front of me. She didn't speak. "I understand." I then hear my truck come from down the street. "Can you please get in. Like not in a perverted way." She hops into the truck Colby gets out and goes to the passenger side. I get in the drivers side. "My name.. MY name is Hope. You wanted to know earlier. Names Hope, And your Brennen and Colby." She says looking down. "So why were you at the bridge." I heard Colby ask. I glared at him. "Hes ok Brennen. But I don't feel like saying." She replies. I sigh, "I'm sorry if we come off a tad harsh but we just want to help you." I say trying to comfort her. "Its all good." She says in a lower voice. I drop Colby off at his house with the Guys. I would stay but I have Hope and I want to know whats going on with her. The ride back to my house was filled with silence. We arrive at my house I get out of my car and wait for Hope to get out. She gets out five minutes later. "Took you long enough." I say sarcastically trying to brighten the mood. It seems as though she has no emotion. Like she just wanted to be dead. That's why she went to the suicide bridge. I guess she just hated her life. I wonder why she does. I mean something bad could have been going on. Know what I dont want to but in on her personal bussiness. "So Hope.." I say while opening the door. She was just looking at the ground. "So do you want to go back to your family or do you like live by yourself..?" I ask in Curiosity. "I live by myself. No one cares about me thats why." She didnt ever look up. "Your able to stay at my houseif youd like. I know its late." She nods. "The guest room is right here." I point to the guest room. "My room is down the hall. If you need anything." She just walks into the guest room. I guess shes just a shy person. Or she just hates people in general. I wonder whats going on in her life.

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