going out

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Brennen pov

"So Hope you want to go out and eat, I have a few things I want to talk to you about?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yea of course I would. Um.. but what about?" She was concerned could tell.

"Um about the Abandoned mall. I don't want to make things awkward or anything. But we need to talk about it it's really important." I say hella fast.

"Ok.." she nods her head.

I hop into the truck and begin to drive down the road.

I stop at the gas station to get gas. I then drive off to a restaurant. The first one I saw was panda express. So I decided to go there. Chinese food sounded good.

I pull into panda express parking lot. I walk in and open the door for Hope so she could also get in.

I walk up to the counter and order. I got some rice and orange chicken. While Hope got sterfiried. We wait till our order was given to us. We tame our seat.

"So I don't understand why you wanted to commit suicide at the mall?" I ask while I touch her hand which was on the table.

"Um... Everyone... I really wanted to die... I've been wanting to die since I was 7. Then I ment you I thought you would make it better by watching your videos and loving everything about you. Then I was told that you only got with me because of a bet. I couldn't take life anymore. I thought everything was ended. Everything i love was just ripped out from under me. So I thought it was good to just end it all. My mind was telling me to just do it. My mind was taunting me." She sighed.

"Hope.... I... You know that it wasn't really for a bet. Colby just wanted to make his point. I love you for who you are. I don't want to loose you. Your everything to me. Now promise me, and actual promise. That you wont do something like that again. Come to me instead and I will help you, I promise." I smile. The waitress comes and gives us our food.

I thank the waiter. She walks off.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did. I didnt mean to do anything to hurt you Hope. I love you. Please don't leave me. I want to be with you. Your smile lights up my day. If you die I wont forgive myself. Your all that I have. " I was stopped by Hope getting up she reached across the table, she grabbed my colar and smashed her lips into mine. I was blushing like mas crazy. Did she really just do that. I kiss her back.

"I promise." She smiles.

"Uh... Really...? Thank you!" I smile she laughs. She sits back down in her seat. I could tell we got a lot of stares.

"Sorry about that. Didnt mean to embarrass you.." she giggles. Her Giggle was magical. Like it would brighen up someones day.

"Naw your good." I laugh along with her.

We continued to eat out food until it was all finished. I then head back to the house to where we were greeted by......

Find out in the next chapter. This chapter was a nice one. One for forgiveness and promises. Where no has to hate each other. Where people are loved. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was a nice one to write. Thank you guys for all the reads. Hopefully we can get to 2k reads! Thank you! Write again later.

Word count = 603

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