Little Bitch 14

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Hopes pov

So my whole day went to just sitting around talking and hanging with the guys. Colby was kinda flirting but I kept him in the friend zone. He was just a friend and only a friend. I'm with Brennen I mean I don't need to be with him. He's not my type either.

But It was getting pretty late so I asked Colby to drive me home. I go to the apartment I open the door to see Maggie sitting on the couch with him.

"What is she doing here?" I roll my eyes.

"I asked her to come over." He sighs.

"Hey i got to go anyway. I'll talk to you later." She got up and winked at him.

"Whatever!" I mumble under my breath making sure no one was able to hear me.

"Bye." I say with a smile.

She walked out the door.

"So I thought you didn't want ti talk to anyone Brennen. You wouldn't even talk to me." I walk over to him.

"I know." He snarks.

"Then why the hell did you invite her over?!" I feel like I was about to have a mental break down.

"Um... I don't know. I really needed to talk to someone about the events that happened." He sighs.

"Brennen I would have helped you, you just kept saying you didn't need anyone to help you. You didn't want to talk to anyone. I'm always there for you when you need it, but if you keep just pushing me aside and bringing that little bitch back into your life I can't do anything." I rant.

"I know I know. Just I know her a lot better and I know she won't do shit." My heart dropped.

"So.... So y-you don't trust me..."

"No it's not that Hope it's that.... Fuck I don't know how to say it."

"Know what Brennen Fuck you.... I think I am more than Capable than living in my own apartment now. I don't need you at all." I rush to my room and slam the door.

What the fuck was up with him. I start to pack all of my belongings. I don't need him. He's just gonna keep fucking with you.

I remember I had a razor blade in the drawer in the bed side table. I get out. I look at it for a few moments. I place it in my skin. With thousands of tears rolling down my face I slide the blade across my skin. Blood pouring out. So satisfying. I did at least 5 more when Brennen walked in. His eyes widen. Terror.

"Ho-" he could only get out the first part of my name before he broke down into straight tears.

"I'm sorry..." That's all I could say was sorry. I had no other words.

"You're sorry. I think I should say that. Hope... Why?" He looked up at me.

"I tell you you're gonna kill me. You gonna be even more sad." I look down.

"Tell me!"

"You!" I yell.

His eyes widen once again, "Are you... Serious!" His tears just stopped like they were never there.


"Just because I was hanging with some girl!" Brennen spats.

I get up, "No Brennen! Because you don't trust me. You trust you ex girlfriend and not your Girlfriend. Like what the hell is that. That's why I'm packing and leaving." I grab my suitcase and push through Brennen to the door.

"You're not able to leave you are still Major depressed."

"Brennen I don't care!" I walk out the front door. I call and Uber and they take me back to my apartment.

"Thank you!" I say to the man.

"Your welcome!" He says back to me.

I walk into my apartment building. Haven't been to this place in awhile. I walk in and I see stuff everywhere. Crap in the floor. I sigh. I'll clean this tomorrow. I remember doing this before I went to the bridge. Where I meant Colby and Brennen.

I just need to get Brennen out if my head.

I walk into my room which was cleaner than the rest of the house.

I Lay down in my bed. I'm not use to having no one in the house with me. No Kobe and No Brennen. I hate this. But I need time away from Brennen. I know I've been dating him for what 2 weeks now I can't deal with being with him 24 hours a day with him for 2 weeks.

My eyes became heavy. I passed out.

Brennens pov

Did she really have to leave like that? I mean yea she was mad, but I mean I didn't do anything wrong. I do trust her but what I did was just wrong. I couldn't tell her. If I did she'd brake up with me like pronto.

I walk to my room and plop down on the bed. I think about the events that occurred today. I decided to text Colby because I know he's a man I could talk to.

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I sigh and decided it was time for me to go to bed j was to tired ti deal with anything right now

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I sigh and decided it was time for me to go to bed j was to tired ti deal with anything right now. I pull the covers over me and closed my eyes and went to bed.

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