22. Explanations. Now.

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"Why would explosives that haven't been ignited be a problem?" I ask as I run behind the wolf form of Erik.

"Matt. Focus," Erik shouts as he runs on all fours.

I follow him as fast as I can in my lousy human form. Human life spans are so short. If I was what I was suppose to be right now things would be different...For all of us.

I watch as Erik paws the ground, leaping into the air as he runs. His bushy brown coat waves in the wind. His ears stand alert as his nose directs the way. His small, barely noticeable form is what can protect Katie. I am simply a nuisance to her now. Besides, he's known her longer.

Suddenly, Erik's ears perk up and he howls, the shrill sound piercing my ears. Wolves... They're worst than fairies.

"Where is she?" I shout, understanding why Erik hasn't changed his form. In response, Erik growls at the entrance to a tunnel, lined with metal, leading below ground.

An elf, almost as small as a human, walks over and places her hand on Erik's head. She smooths out the fur standing erect. Her presence is calm, despite his guarded, alert stance.

"I'm Violet," she states as I walk up to them. Upon closer look, I recognize her. She was the one who brought Katie to the meeting room, before everything started.

"Matt. Where is she?"

"Below ground," the elf points at the tunnel below her, "She's changed...Almost...No, never mind..."

Erik's deep growls grow louder as Violet speaks. He's irritated and wants to go in after her. He scratches at the pipes and sings a mournful cry, jerking his head at every noise he hears in hopes that Katie will appear.

Violet reaches over and embraces Erik's powerful form. Her attempts of comforting him are lost as he thrashes his body about, ignoring her assurances that everything will be alright. Despite avoiding Katie for a while, he seems to really care for her well-being. I can never measure up to that.

Ten minutes of waiting, and then the ringing, high pitched cries of a fairy assaults my ears. One-by-one, I watch each child climb to safety. It relieves me that they are alright, but I cannot stop looking for Katie. Something grips at my unsteady heart and I hold my breath, praying she is alright. Nothing.

"Where is she?" Erik growls, "If she didn't make it I swear to God I'll..."

Katie pulls her shaking form out of the tunnel, her tear stained eyes glistening in the sunlight. I suck in a breath, noticing her hair for the first time. Cut extremely short, the edges are jagged and caked in blood. The once beautiful, long red strands stop just above her shoulder.

"Th...Th... There's one more. I...I...I tried to...to help. I need something. Traps. Everywhere." Katie stutters as Erik solemnly licks the blood splattered on her face.

"No," I breath ever so slightly, expecting even her to be oblivious of my plead.

Katie looks me straight in the eyes, smiles through her tears, and takes the strange, noise making contraption Violet hands her. She winks at me, then slides back down the tunnel. I try to stop her, only to find Erik bent low to the ground snarling at me. I have to let her go...

I count the seconds. Every single second. The numbers flow through my head as easily as breathing, but I begin to fidget the longer I count. Six hundred seconds. Ten long minutes. My brain hurts from counting.

I turn to walk away. I turn because there is nothing I can do, except give up. Then a small hand grabs my shirt. Katie.

My entire body spins around, shaking the contents of my stomach and awakening the nausea I ignored while waiting. Her face is caked in dirt and she smells like death, but I don't care. I reach out to give her a hug, only to be met by Erik's golden eyes, looking up at me from the ground he stands on.

"It was a baby unicorn," Katie states, her fear still evident in her shaky voice. But there is something different about her. Despite her blood shot eyes and tear stained face, her eyes are piercing and her body alert and confident. Despite her evident fear, Katie knows what it means to be brave.

"Katie, you..." I trail off, not knowing what to say. But it doesn't matter anymore because her attention is directed elsewhere.

I follow Katie's line of sight and see her staring at Erik. His once alert form cowers behind Violet as soon as their eyes meet. He is the man who defies the society and gives both creatures and magic users rights, yet he cowers in fear. He is the man who keeps everyone he can from being branded, despite the kings orders, yet he is afraid of Katie's frail form. I do not understand that Erik. If he is so afraid of a little girl, he should give up on hiding the ones the society wants. Besides, only those useful to the society must endure being marked.

I reach my hand out to touch her.

"Erik. I have massive tears in my eyes right now. What the heck are you doing acting all scared of me?" Katie speaks, and the tension in my muscles releases.

"You...I..." Erik stutters.

"Erik, I will never forgive you, but that doesn't mean you need to cower in fear of me. You lost all trust, but...If I want to know...I...You...We," Katie motions to herself and Erik, but I am almost to shocked by her words to notice, "are necessary. Besides, it's almost cruel to leave you on the streets for doing what Ruth wanted."

"You knew? What I am..."

"If you didn't want me to know, you shouldn't have acted all butt hurt about what I said to Hope. Why does everyone keep thinking I'm an idiot?"


"Hush," Katie turns to speak to Violet, "Answers. Now. I don't have all day."

"About what?" Violet stares at her intensely.

"Everything. Ah'm not a chil' no more. Ya best be givin' answers, or y'll be sorry. Y'want m'help, y'listen t'me."

Katie reaches out to Erik and tentatively grabs a hold of him. Her body quivers in his presence, tears continuously streaming down her face, but her gaze is unwavering. She drags her fingers across Erik's back, trailing delicate patterns in his fur, all the way to his face. Erik attempts to flee from her touch, but Katie's hands grasp his head, training his eyes on her, "Y'sa...Yer savin'...You saved me once, now I will save you when you need me. Aftah, y'nevah hafta see me again. Now, marks, sickness, and segregation. Explanations. Now."

Thank you all for reading and let me know what you think. If you liked this chapter please consider giving it a vote!

Discussion Questions: What do you think happened between Erik and Katie?

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