Chapter 11

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Y/N's PV

I can't believe it I'm pregnant!! "Tae I'm pregnant!" He hugged me and we cried tears of joy together. After a while we calmed down and went to the doctor to confirm it and get ourselves oriented. When we arrived at the doctor he said that I have to be very careful because I might lose the baby very easily. After the doctor we called our parents and told them. Tae's parents were super excited they decided to come visit this weekend. My parents were a bit disappointed but still pretend to be happy for us. We decided to call the boys and tell them but we have to tell them in person. We invited the boys over and when they arrived I put the pregnancy test in a box and put the box in front of them. "Jungkook can you please open this box and show everyone what is inside?" He nodded and opened the box he found the test and took it out. He read the test and started to cry. "Seriously?! Please tell me you are not joking?!" (Jungkook) "We aren't joking Y/N is pregnant!" (Tae) he came running up to me and hugged me. "I'm so happy! I love you Y/N! And I love this baby!" (Jungkook) he said as he kissed my stomach. The members then finally understood what was happening and came to hug Tae and me. We were all super happy. Then I felt my phone ring. It was my dad. He has never called me usually mom calls me. I answered.

"Hello? Dad?"

"Are you with Jungkook?" (Dad)

"Yes. Is everything alright?"

"Go somewhere private with your brother" (Dad)

I made signs to Jungkook and we went to my room. I put Dad on speaker.

"I have Jungkook with me now Dad"

"Hello Dad" (Jungkook)

"Hi Jungkook. Y/N I'm gonna get to the point. I don't like the influence your brother has on you and now your pregnant you are gonna move in with your mother and me and you will never see these men again. Understood?" (Dad)

I was crying and so was Jungkook.

"I'm sorry Dad but I will not let you take Y/N from me like that. I left to follow my dream and you guys abandoned her! I'm not letting her go again!" (Jungkook)

"This is not an argument son. We will be picking you up on Saturday pack your things Y/N" (Dad)

"Pleas Dad I'm pregnant and the father had the right to see his child. I can't leave them like that! I've finally made good friends that like me for me. I finally found someone I'm happy with and I'm finally again with Jungkook! I can't leave!"

"Shut up! You have no choice you better be packed or you are leaving without anything. We will be there Saturday. Alert the father and your friends that we will be leaving." (Dad)

He said as he hung up. I threw my phone at the wall and Jungkook hugged me. We were both crying the members heard the noise and came in running. They saw us crying. "What happened?!" (Tae) he said as he hugged me. "N-Nothing just some family friend passed away" Jungkook looked worried. "I'm sorry Y/N" (Tae) "No it's fine. Can I have a moment with Jungkook please?" They all nodded and went outside. "Why didn't you tell them?" (Jungkook) "I can't Jungkook! I can't! I'm not going to tell them on Saturday I'll leave without a trace. It's better for him than to get him worried let him spend our last days happy and without worry. Please?" He nodded. We wiped away our tears put on fake smiles and went outside. "Everything alright?" (J-hope) "Yeah all better now. Just needed a bro hug from my bro" I say playfully pushing Jungkook. After the boys left Tae was making dinner and I started to pack I hid my suitcase under the bed. I went downstairs to eat. I ate and went to sleep. I couldn't face Tae so I talked as little as possible. When I was falling asleep I felt him wrap his arm around me. "Are you okay babe?" (Tae) "Yeah just a bit sick cause of the baby but I'm fine" he nodded and fell asleep. I stared at him. I'm gonna miss him. I'm so sorry Tae. Please forgive me. I didn't notice the tear in my face until he wiped it away. "Tears of joy I swear" I said as I smiled. He smiled too. The we both fell asleep.

*Time skip to morning*

Tae woke me up with breakfast in bed. I thanked him. I'm gonna miss him so damn much! He went downstairs. I finished eating and finished packing I leave I'm 2 days. Tae parents arrive on Friday. Tae and I cleaned do his parents arrival on Friday. I invited the boys to stay here from Friday to Saturday to spend my last night with friends and family.

*Time skip to Friday*

We picked up Tae's parents from the airport and took them to my apartment. After a while the boys arrived. We all watched movies, talked made jokes and Tae and I made dinner. Tae's parents are super nice, calm and supportive. I wish my parents were like that... Tomorrow is the day... Tae's mom took very good care of me. She is very gentle. After a few movies we were all exhausted. We all eme to bed. Jungkook and I have to wake up before everyone else. Our parents said they would be here at 7am. The guys will probably wake up around 9am. I wanted to write Tae a letter. When he fell asleep I started to write it.

Dear Tae,

You are the love of my life. I'm leaving today. I'm moving to America with my parents. It's not your fault and it wasn't my choice. I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't want you to worry. My parents made me. I will loose connection with everyone. Please don't try to find me. Jungkook is the only to know because my Dad told us both. Don't get mad at him for not telling you he was gonna but I stopped him. I'm sorry. Please forget me... I don't want to hurt you. Take care of yourself. Continue your career. Take care of the other members. Remember that I love you. Please don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I will never stop loving you if fate ever brings us together again I will happily be your again. I love you.

Love Y/N.

I put the letter on his nightstand. I cried myself to sleep.

*Time skip to morning*

I woke up and checked the time. It was 6:30. My parents would be here in 30 minutes. I woke up Jungkook we are breakfast and waited for our parents. After a while we heard the door. He held my hand tight. "Hello Mother. Hello Father" (Jungkook and I) We bowed. "Come let's go" (Mother) "Okay..." I hugged Jungkook and kissed his forehead. "I love you Kookie. Take care of him for me." He nodded and we left. The car ride was silent. We reached the airport and waited for our flight. We would be moving to LA. Right before we boarded I stopped to admire Seoul one last time. I smiled and got inside the plane. Please don't hate me Tae...


A/N: and that's the end! I hope you enjoyed! I loved making this story. It was really fun! I love you all!

 It was really fun! I love you all!

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