Chapter 3

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Jungkook's PV

I have to win the bet! I want free ice cream! While we were performing I was just focusing on finding that dork. I looked around like crazy but I couldn't find her. When we went to change clothes the boy noticed I was looking for someone. "Jungkook I know your looking for someone probably your family but we need you to focus. Okay?" (Rap Mon) "Yes hyung" "Nah he is just searching for his girlfriend" (Suga) If only they knew... I sometimes feel bad because they have no idea but I won't let them hit on her. "I'm just looking for my mom she hasn't been to a concert in a while. Also I get free ice cream if I find her" "Ahh of course his motivation is food" (Jimin) We all laughed and got called to stage again. We finished performing and I still hadn't found Y/N. Awwww that means I don't get free ice cream... we then got ready for the fan sign. We changed and cleaned all the sweat off. We then sat down at the table and the fan sign began.

Y/N's PV

The concert was amazing as always. I noticed that Jungkook never found me. Victory!! Yeah! I don't have to buy him ice cream! I then statue line for the fan sign I was number 34. The line was moving kinda fast. I was kinda hiding to make sure Jungkook didn't see me so I could surprise him. The boys were seated like this:


Taehyung was super hyper it was cute. He pinched my cheek and I blushed, Rap Mon was super nice and chill, Jimin was being super cute, I managed to make Suga laugh with a joke, then Jungkook noticed it was me "Surprise!" I yelled at him. He put his hand over my mouth and apologized to everyone for my loud noise. "What are you doing here?!" (Jungkook) he whispered to me. "I just wanted to surprise you! And since no one knows I exist it doesn't matter! But people will get suspicious if we keep whispering so just treat me like a normal fan!" I whispered to him. I smiled but he looked a bit annoyed. "Don't let the boys touch you!" (Jungkook) "They don't even know who I am. To them I'm just another fan. Don't worry about it~" he just sighed and I moved on, Jin made super funny dad jokes and J-Hope made me smile just by existing. The boys noticed a and Jungkook whispering and so did the staff s they asked me to step backstage after the fan sign. I looked over at Jungkook he had no idea what was happening but he looked worried. I went backstage and waited for the fan sign to end. All the members came and so did some staff. "For security reasons we must know what you and Jungkook were discussing" (Bodyguard) "It was nothing she was just telling an embarrassing story of her" (Jungkook) No one believed him. "I think it's time Kookie. They deserve to know" they all looked very confused and worried. "But Y/N are you sure?" (Jungkook) "Yes Kookie" he came and stood next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder. "Guys this is my little sister Y/N. If any of you rich her I will not hesitate to kill you! Understood?!" (Jungkook) "Nice to meet you all" "Jungkook why did you keep this from us?" (Rap Mon) "Because I didn't want the press obsessing over her and I didn't want any of you hitting on her!" (Jungkook) The staff understood the situation and left the member and me alone so we could discuss the situation. "Wait you said little sister but you both look the same age?" (Jin) "Oh I'm just a year younger" "Ohhh" (J-Hope) "She's cute!" (Taehyung) "Ey do you want me to cut off your tongue?!" (Jungkook) I couldn' help but laugh. Jin came over and smacked Jungkook in the back of his head. "Don't talk to you hyungs like that" (Jin) Jungkook pouted but nodded. I started laughing even more I was crying. "What are you laughing at pabo?" (Jungkook) "Don't call you sister a pabo!" (Jin) he hit Jungkook in the head again. I fell to the ground because I was laughing too much. When I was about to hit the ground I felt two strong arms catch me before I could fall. I looked up to see Taehyung's beautiful brown orbs. I blushed and we just kinda stayed there looking into each other's eyes. Until my idiot brother interrupted us by yanking me away from him. "See this is why I didn't want all of you knowing about my sister~!" (Jungkook) he whined. We all just laugh mes but I was still blushing. "Thank you Taehyung Oppa!" I bowed slightly. "Why so formal?! Just call me Tae or TaeTae!!" (Taehyung) He said in a cute voice. I just pinched his cheeks because he was being too cute.

Jungkook's little sister (Taehyungxreader)Where stories live. Discover now