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Mitch drove for a while, he was listen to music while listening to the person speaking from his phone. He would occasionally look at the rear mirror to check up on Bella, good thing she hadn't have her nap, so she was sleeping in her car seat. The trip was well, until they were stuck in traffic. "Great! This is going to be soo boring...oh! I should probably call Avi! Nope..that'll wake up Bella, Kevin is always with Avi, so might as well call him instead..I mean I haven't talked to him" mitch whispered-yelled to himself

Mitch called Kevin and in a few seconds he answered

"Hey Mitch!"

"Hey Kurvy!"

"What's up mitch? Is everything okay?" Mitch rolled his eyes at Kevin's second question.

"I'm fine, don't worry! Anyways, im stuck in traffic, and Bella is asleep so I don't want to turn up the volume of the music.." Kevin took a deep breath

"Okay..that's good! Anyways, where are you going?" Mitch panicked, he didn't want to tell Kevin where he was going..

"Oh I'm going shopping!"

"Isn't there some shops near Kirstin's house?" *dammit mitch! There is shops near her house* "uh yes, but I wanted to go somewhere new, cause y'know, it's the same old stuff.."

"Uh okay then..ahh sorry mitch but I just realized I have to go to the bank to fix something..I'll talk to you later!"

"Okay! Bye Kurvy!" Kevin did his famous hyena laugh "okay! Bye Mitchell !" Kevin then hung up

Mitch was bored immediately after Kevin hung up "I guess I'll play the radio a bit " mitch turned the volume a bit up there wasn't anything interesting, he changed the radio until he heard one of the radio spokesperson start to introduce a new song "with 5 million views in less than two weeks, we have Pentatonix's ex member Scott Hoying with his cover of All of me" mitch thought to himself 'is it really Scott..it cant..Im soo proud of my ba-Scott' Mitch sighed as he finished his thought

After the song ended mitch could've sworn Scott covered that song especially for him, cause then again, everything that song said expressed their relat-Friendship.."oh I can call Scotty!" Mitch got his phone and dialed Scott

"Hey Scott!"
"Mitch!! Hii!! How are you? Oooh how's bella?"
"I'm fine, and Bella, well she's asleep.."
"Awee I wanted to say hi to my baby!!"
"I'm sure she'll-"
Mitch then heard some movement from the backseat, he turned around to find Bella awake
"Actually, she's awake..Bella!! Say hi to daddy!"
Bella made some noises making mitch think she was trying to say hi
"She says hi!"
"Oh hiii bella!"
Bella moved her head trying to find where that noise came from making mitch giggle
"Awee Im sure she misses you!"
"Awee I miss my little bellaruni"
"Oh anyway, Scott I'm kind of stuck in traffic so that's why I called, sorry if you were busy.."
"Oh it's no problem! If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?"
"Isn't there some shops near Kirstie's house?"
Dammit Scott!
"Yes, but they have the same old stuff, y'know, plus I want to explore a bit more, it's been a while since i- we've been out"
"Ohh okay, well tell me everything that's been going on haha"
Mitch and Scott talked for a while more till traffic soon started moving and eventually mitch arrived at the destination
"Hey Scott, Im here at the shops I'll call you later!"
"Okay!! Bye mitch! BYE BELLA!! Kissies!"
Bella clamped her hands making a small goodbye , mitch then hung up

Mitch took Bella out of her car seat, grabbed all of their essentials, such as his phone, diaper bag and etc.  And locked his car as soon as he was sure he had everything they needed

Mitch walked up to the door with Bella on his hip and knocked, after a few minutes of them waiting the door opened


Sorry y'all, I left y'all on a cliffhanger, I promise I'll start updating a lot sooner! My concert is this weekend, but I will be on the ride to Austin on friday so I might update a bit on that day!!

If y'all have guessed who mitch is visiting, props to you!!

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