Dumb Albino Noodle

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Scott & Mitch were alone in the hospital room, well, almost, besides the nurses that came in occasionally to check up on Mitch, but besides that they were alone.

Scott enjoyed being alone with Mitch, it helped his ease his mind on things, he finally felt like things were going back to normal.

The peacefulness was soon interrupter by Scott's phone going off.

"Scotty, who's texting you at this time?"

"Oh, it's a friends, you know, he's just asking if I wanted to go party."

"Oh, but how do you know if they're asking you if you haven't even looked at your phone yet?"

"Oh, you see, this one friend always ask me to go out, like every single night."

"Oh, okay, you should reply & tell them no, cause you're with your queen. ;)"

"I will!"

Scott took his phone out of his pocket. Mitch leaned over to see what Scott was typing, but Scott saw what Mitch was trying to do & moved to make sure Mitch didn't see who he was actually texting.

"Why did you move away from me?"
"Oh, cause...I don't want you to yell at me for my incorrect grammar! Yeah!"
"Why would I ye..oh, it's not my fault that you don't know your proper grammar."

While Mitch was talking to Scott about why grammar is important in his life, he changed the person name from "Babe" to "Mark" in a flash of light.

Mitch eventually finished his little speech & Scott just nodded in agreement.

"Okay, now that you are done with your "speech" check to see if I actually typed out the message properly."

Mitch grabbed Scott's phone ,"Can't, I is with my queen?", "Really Scott, you know what, no, I'm typing this out."

Mitch properly typed out the message & sent it. "Scott, you dumb Albino noodle, how is my baby going to learn proper grammar from you, if you can even text a message back properly?", Scott just shrugged,"That's why I have you after all, am I right?" "Oh Scott, I love you, but just try to learn a bit of proper grammar." "Okay, I just don't want my baby to have a lot of "white" moments because of you, not that I'm saying they aren't cute moments, they are, but I don't want my child to be having those moments constantly."
"I'll try Mitchy, I'll try."
"I love you Scott, I hope you know that."
"I love you too Mitchy, & I hope you know that as well."

Mitch & Scott were about to kiss when they heard a knock on the door.

A nurse walked in,"Hello Mr.Grassi, I'm here to check your blood pressure & temperature."

Mitch whispered to Scott, "We'll continues from where we started in a bit.." Mitch winked at Scott.

Scott couldn't help but smile as big as a rainbow.
This chapter was a filler cause I have 0 ideas, sorry, hope you liked it! Make sure to check out my other story: Thank You ~Pentatonix~. Kissies! ❤️‼️💋-Karen🐢

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